Chapter 18

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Yes, I am a 13 year old writing this story. I know most writers here are either in college, 20+, if not already married. Still, this is also my first phanfic. I know it's rushed, but I'm trying my best to improve from here. Well, maybe one day I might be an author xD. So, here it is, the next chapter. If you find my story is nice or something, do like my story or leave a comment or two here. Trust me. I read all of your comments here, and it makes me get even more inspired to write.

-Hannah / Kittyflare 

I awoke, half-weary as I grasped the drapes of the bed. The bedroom was dimly lit in the wee hours of the morning, and it was cold due to the freezing air from last night. I swung my legs over to the side of the bed, and forcefully I stood up and made my way to the kitchen.
I passed by the servants in the mansion who eyed me oddly before they continued to walk away.  I merely looked at them back and hobbled my way to the kitchen. I was dreary, my mind was half-asleep and my eyes were barely open. I let my hand skim through my tousled hair and stumbled for the coffee table.
I pulled out a cup- the white one as Erik preferred, then I proceeded to pour the coffee powder in before I released the hot water from the boiler. Quickly, I stirred the drink until the coffee powder had dissolved completely. I made the sweetness just right, as Erik preferred.
"Erik," I said. "Get your coffee here."
I said it loudly despite my weariness. But there was only silence that answered me back.
"Erik," I said once more, this time only louder. "Your coffee."
Yet again, I did not see him walking in as he usually did in his coat. Instead, there was no one entering through the kitchen door and I was greeted by an eerie silence.
I was puzzled definitely. Where was he? Usually he came in punctual, if not earlier before I made his drink.
"Erik?" I called out as I walked out of the kitchen. "Where are you?"
As I grasped the cup handle, I walked into the living room.
Nope, he wasn't there.
Then I proceeded to his office, after that to the other rooms, then to the music room.
And finally, to the bedroom.
Just where was he? My mind drilled in overwhelming curiosity.
But then I opened the bedroom door.
Then it dawned on me.
Erik wasn't here.
He was on the stage of dying.
Now it all came back to me. I was sent from the hospital back to my house, even in my defiant reluctance. They sent me back, all the way back here to my bedroom in the mansion.
That was when I started to feel the tears from me flow as I cringed and sobbed. There was a knife that plunged so deep into my soul, so deep into my heart and flesh.
It hurt. It hurt so much. I cried as I slowly bent down, body to the wall, but my hand still holding the cup.
I had been so stupid. I actually believed he was still here with me, waiting for the coffee I made for him, when he was at the hospital about to die.
Then I looked at the cup. I brewed for him a lot of coffee, and I made it just as warm as he liked. But he couldn't even be here! He was at the critical condition of death! Just what was I even thinking!? I cried even louder now. My tears ran across my face and I covered my eyes with my loud sobbing still crying out.
Then I turned to look at the coffee. I had made so much and it was all going to be a waste. I let my lips touched the cup and tasted the drink.
It was sweet at first, then it turned bitter. It turned so bitter as it reminded me how my current life was.
Then there were voices that went into my head, whispering and getting louder each moment. I clutched my head as I willed harshly for the voices to go away.
Get out of my head! I screamed in my mind.
But the voices merely remained, only getting even stronger.
"Erik is going to die and you will never see him again. And you can't do anything about it, Christine. He is going to die. All you can do is to see him suffer.You will see every bit of his life slowly draining away, and then..."  the voices laughed and sneered mockingly. "And then you'll find him dead."
The voices then disappeared from my head as quickly as it came, but my mind had started to resound what the voices had said.
Erik was going to die and he was going to be gone. And there would be nothing I could ever do.
No, I couldn't take this. I couldn't-
Erik was going to be going to die and there was nothing I could ever do.
There was nothing I could ever do.
No... no...
With a swing of my arm, I smashed the cup and it shattered into pieces everywhere. The hot coffee splashed and burnt my skin as the glass pieces cut across my face. But I didn't care. I slumped to the wall, as I screamed and screeched in my cries.
"ERIK WON'T DIE! HE CAN'T!" I shouted, amidst all my misery as I sobbed.
Blood had trickled across my skin from the glass shards, even as excruciatingly painful as it was. But I did not care.
"ERIK WON'T DIE!" I continued to shriek helplessly. But I was only met by the terrified gaze of a servant.
"Christine," she said. "You must calm down."
"NO! I have to see him now... now! Get my bag, I must go to him. "
"Your condition has turned unstable. You have to calm down."
"But Erik! I have to see him immediately... quickly!"
I tried to move away, but the servant stopped me.
Suddenly, I could hear Meg's voice.
"No, Sister Zhalia. Let Christine go. Just only for this time." Meg said as she stepped down from the stairs. "It's almost Erik's … last moment." She choked.
"Take the cab. It's waiting." Meg said. She turned to me, and I could see tears welling up in her eyes. "I'll go with you Christine."


I swung open the doors to the ward and ran in.
Earlier on, I was held back to treat the wounds and cuts I bore when the glass cup shattered. And Meg by my plea, went to Erik’s ward first instead. Now I was here, almost crying and disoriented.
But then as I entered the room, there was a sad quietness that filled the place. Everybody’s face bore the look of solemn silence. As I continued to walk in, Meg’s head merely shook.
My tears had started to fall as I ran to Erik’s side.
“Erik,” I called him. “Come on. I’m here,” I said.
But there was no reaction from him as my mind already knew.
I swallowed a cry and continued on.
“Erik,” I said. “I’m here. You’ll be alright, definitely okay now. I’m here for you.”
But yet there was no response.
“You’re fine now. I’ll help you up, come on.” My voice was tinged with so much desperation as my tears started to flow.
“Erik, I-”
“He’s gone, Christine,” I felt Meg’s hand on my shoulder. “He won’t be back. You can’t possibly help him up.”
“No.” I replied defiantly, even though I knew the truth fully well. I had started to weep still, as I looked at Erik. “He’ll be okay,” I said.
“Christine, you-”
“I know, but I can’t. I just can’t-”
“-Can’t what?”
My eyes widened and my ears tingled. This voice! There was only one person who had it, one person who had this voice that sounded of music!
I turned to see Erik looking at me.
“You’re alive!” I cried as I hugged him tightly. The whole room erupted into laughter, especially with Meg giggling loudly.
“Meg, you tricked me! And all of you!” I exclaimed.
Meg, still in her giddy laughter, replied:
“Well, why not? You should’ve seen your face earlier on.”
I gave a light punch back at Meg’s arm. Then I turned to Erik.
“Why do you have plasters all about you?” He said.
I merely smiled back. “They are just… something now of the past. But everything’s alright. I’m with you now.” I continued to hug him, with my face onto his chest.
But suddenly there was a certain vibration, a certain, unusual feeling and the sense of danger ringing in me.
I could hear the laughter slowly turning into… mocking and snickering.
Even something felt peculiar about Erik as I continued hugging him.
“Erik…?” I asked as I started to release my grip on him. “What’s happening-”
That was when I looked up, this time, traumatised in shock.
“Who says I’m Erik?” The man said. “Look closely,” he continued.
“I’m Raoul.” There was Raoul’s disgusting grin on his face, and in place of Meg and the servants, there was all his henchmen laughing and cackling at me.
What? What was happening? What was this all? My head was shrouded in complete confusion as I backed away.
But this was Raoul. He stabbed Erik. He did it all.
“You caused Erik to be in such a critical condition!” I yelled in fury at Raoul. But his reply was a smirk on his face instead.
“No, you caused it Christine,” He said. “See what you have done? You got Erik involved in our little issue even though you knew how risky it was,”
“Christine. You’re the murderer.”
“NO!” I screamed as I flinched back.
I awoke, outside the ward, with me falling off the chair. Immediately I saw Meg rushing towards me.
“What happened?” she asked.
I was crying, weeping and sobbing so much. My tears had fallen across my face as I continued to cry in my despair. Could it be true? Was I really the cause why Erik would die? Then why was I even born here in this world? I caused Erik to be in such a critical state.
I continued to sob with my hands covering my face.
Then I remembered how it felt in my dream- seeing Erik there, alive and next to me. But it was all a dream! He was never there. He was never by my side then! My heart ached terribly in searing pain as I cried even louder.
He was there… Erik was there.
But he was not by my side now. I was all alone, with only myself...
And then there was Raoul in my dream.
Raoul, I hated his name, and I hated him to the core. He was the one who stabbed Erik. It was all him!
“Christine!” Meg shook me. “What happened?”
At first, I looked up at her before I looked back at the floor.
“A nightmare,” I muttered under my breath. “It was a dreadful nightmare, that’s all.” I was heaving in and out with my chest rising and falling heavily. Slowly, I maintained my breath.
"Then Erik! How is he?"
"I do not know, Christine." Meg replied gravely. "The doctor is executing emergency operations on him now. All we can do is wait."
"Oh, I-"
The door swung open with a deafening bang. In came a flustered servant, her face red and her eyes swollen from probably crying. But from behind her, came to doctor with a sad frown.
The doctor walked towards me as he looked at me almost as if pitying me.
"I'm sorry, Christine."
"Erik, he's passed away."

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