Chapter 10

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My eyes were streaming with tears of happiness. Slowly, the tears had started to lessen into merely tear drops, and I looked up at Eric as I let my fingers touched his neck, then traced up to his face. This was the man who never gave up on me and who loved me to no end. But as I cried in his embrace, his mask suddenly came to my mind. Why exactly had he worn that mask? But realization hit me as I stared into Eric's deep and serious and so very beautifully gold eyes.

I let my hand move up to his face, where I had touched his mask and budged it. Immediately his hand raises up to stop my fingers, but I whisper softly "Don't worry. I understand now." I gave him a sweet, gentle smile, and he looked at me as he let me remove his mask.

Now I finally knew why he had worn answers were all behind his mask, and as I removed it, there I saw it. Half of his face was etched with burning white scars all over that it looked like lightning cracking all over his face. This was a disfigurement of scars, no doubt. People must have shrieked at the sight of him, for the ugliness was so very horrifying. But what about Eric's feelings? With the fear conjured upon his facial disorder, he could never lived a normal life, and most likely constantly being despised and hated at. So much of the World's cruelty he must have faced. But while people would have seen a monster, what I saw was a pitiful man who sought love like his own life. And also a genius of musical arts and everything being brought down merely by his face. But whereas people would've shrieked upon seeing his face for the first time, I did not. I knew better.

I let my fingers trail across the white scars, feeling every bit of his skin.

"You loved me," I whispered softly as I caressed his cheek. "And I look into the heart, never at the face." I pulled myself towards Eric as I felt his warmth envelop me. Then I looked up at him again.

Look with your heart,

and not with your eyes.

A heart understands.

A heart never lies.

"That was what Mother and Father used to sing to me," I looked at Eric. "Mother bore a disfigurement face, exactly like yours." I let my fingers trace his skin.

"She wasn't born with it. A long time ago when I was but six, I ran across the road foolishly for a rolling ball and a vehicle had nearly ran onto me. But Mother had screamed in fright and threw herself towards me. She fell back to her side and her face had scratched and burnt so painfully along the rough road."

"Once, Mother used to be the prettiest lady in the town and was praised for her music talents. But because of me," I swallowed a cry. "Because of me, she had to be scarred. The townspeople were horrified of her face. They called her a demonic musician. She was forced to wear a mask and hide half her face with her hair. But she was still full of love. She never blamed me for her misfortune once and no one had ever care for me like her. You…" I peered at Eric. "You are like Mother. It is the love in you that is just as deep as Mother's. I don't care if people say you're a monster or not, because I..."

"I'm in love with you."

With that, I had started to slip from our closeness and move away, but suddenly, Eric gripped my hand. With his slender finger, he gently tilted my chin up, so that I would lock gazes with him once more. When our eyes met, the moment froze and everything altered. He took a step closer, then another, and suddenly we were almost touching. But his eyes never left mine, and he slowly came up and brushed a strand of hair away from my collarbone. Unthinking, I leaned forward to him.

His hand trailed up my neck, up my cheek, and cupped my face. Slowly he drew me closer, lowering his head to meet mine. Even his touch was so careful and thrilling, as if I was fragile and precious. And then his lips were on mine, firm, warm, and impossibly soft.

Thrills electrified through my body, through my spine, through my every being. A fierce heat rose up inside me, as sharp and bright like a dagger. I moved my lips against his, and he stepped even closer now, so close that our bodies touched. And then his other hand came up, the warm fingers grasping my waist, pulling me even nearer to him still. I was lost and intoxicated in that kiss, and all my senses had succumbed to him. I was totally defenseless before the hot, hungry mystery that laid before us.

But slowly, I pulled myself away, my eyes peering into his. His expression was soft, unguarded and so tender and loving; it was a kind of expression that I had never once saw appeared in him. The warmth in Eric pulsated through me like a heat so comforting and yet seductive, and as he grasped my waist, I raised my eyes to look at him.

"Eric," I said, as I now leaned on his chest. "Why don't we make our marriage official?"

There was silence as he stared at me, but even so, he was still holding me so delicately.

"We only have a signed document. Why not a marriage celebration instead? I've fallen for you." I whispered.

"Then," he said as he kneeled down before me. "Will you marry me, Christine?" And from his coat, he brought a single, tiny box where inside sat a pink diamond ring. The circular shank of the ring was made of a beautiful black gold where little shiny silver gems furnished it all over and in the middle of the ring was a brilliant pink, sapphire-cut diamond. I never seen a diamond ring of such workmanship before, but at one glance, I knew this was no cheap, fake ring.

I looked at Eric's amber and golden eyes and smiled sweetly at him.

"Yes!" I exclaimed. I slipped my finger into the ring, and hugged Eric. With a tight embrace, he brought my chin up once more and laid his lips on mine, and we had kissed for the longest time ever. After that, I pulled myself away from him as I peered in his eyes.

"Happy birthday, Christine." I felt his breath gently and warmly caress the hairs on my neck.

And there was darkness as I snuggled in his arms. Lovely, warm darkness.

And he loved her (Phantom of the Opera Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now