Oops Wrong Number! ~Nouis AU~

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There's a HELL OF A LOT of texting within this story, so when it occurs; Harry will be Bold

Niall will be Bold Italic

Louis will be Italic



And the rest of the story will be like this, in normal font. Confused? Sorry ABOUT THAT :C

And the end of each text message it will say, for Example: -From Louis :) x or any other clue that will help :D NOW Im going to start the story. DON'T PANIC THERE WONT BE ANY MORE LONG INTROS LIKE THIS.

Oops Wrong Number ~Nouis AU~


I was sat in my fairly large flat with my best friend Liam, watching F.R.I.E.N.D.S. 'Joey Does not share food!' the character, Joey said. He had to be my favourite character..... I mean, HE'S JUST LIKE ME.... he loves food.

"Niall does not share food!" I said, to no one in particular.

"HEY, Niall!! Instead of talking to the television, can you text Zayn saying I can't make it to the party tonight?" Liam asked. Zayn was one of Liam's closets friends, and I was also friends with Zayn. HE had asked Liam to a party but now he couldn't go as he needed to see his girlfriend, Dani.

"Why can't you do it?" I asked, rather confused.

"No credit?" HE replied in a tone that seemed to say 'DUH REMEMBER?'

"Oh, yeah. I will get you some later..." I promised him feeling a little stupid now. I had used up all OF his credit to call Nandos. Liam nodded as I pulled out my BlackBerry. I went into my contacts to find that the list was empty.

"Shit! Liam!! My phone is well and truly fucked up.. It had gone and deleted all of my contacts!! What's Zayns number?" I called to Liam, who was now doing something in the kitchen.

"It's 07*********!" He replied, shouting.

"Right, I got to go, I'll see you later Niall!" He said as he left the flat.

I punched Zayn's number into my phone and added him as a contact before texting him.


To Vain Zayn: Hey! Its Liam :P I can't make it tonight.... I'm off to see Dani my smexy lady friend ;D Maybe next week? -Liam (:

(A/N: That was actually sent from Niall, however, he was pretending to be Liam)


I shoved my phone back into my hoodie pocket and got up to go to the kitchen. I skipped my way over to the fridge and opened it eagerly. It was only that I realized how hungry I was. I searched through the fridge and snatched the first thing I saw which a chicken Sandwich was. Liam must of made it earlier, ah well he can make himself another one. I closed the fridge and made my way back into the living room, taking massive bite out of the sandwich. Just as I was about to read the sofa, something vibrated viciously in my pocket, so I fished out my phone to find I had one new text.


From Zayn: HMMM, I think you've got the wrong number -Wrong number guy


I replied straight away.


To Mystery Person (NAME CHANGE) Oh, well, sorry about that.. How are you?

-Mystery Dude


I got a reply instantly, which surprised me.


Mystery Person

I'm OK thanks. Just in the most boring meeting ever! So many old people... My names Louis btw and I'm 21 And you are?

P.S: don't worry, I'm not some creepy weirdo




I'm OK. Just sat at home. I'm Niall btw and I'm 19 GTG talk later x



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