Chapter 21

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Ok, check put this story called Fan Boy by TheWayYouLookTonight, best story every. 

PLUS, CHECK.OUT MY LARRY STORY.CALLED Fakery Isn't All.Bad, and my Narry called Crushed Dreams (:  


Chapter 21


I entered school, glad lunch was after my first lesson meaning I would soon see Niall. And check if Harry and Liam were being nice to Niall. I went to room 22, the Spanish room. I took my seat in the second row, next to where my partner Damon sits. I took out my green Spanish book, and Spanish text book. Even after learning this foreign language for a long time, I still couldn't read or say half of what I should. There were only a few people in class so far, the teacher still hadn't arrived. I took out my phone, and sent a quick text to Niall, saying I was in school and would meet him in room 13. I put my phone back into my pocket, as the room started to fill up and Mrs Murray came in, not looking her usual happy, crazy self. Once everyone was seated, she took the register.  

"I have an important announcement to make," She said quietly, wiping the corner of her eye. "Miss Bremner, your form tutor, passed away last night after being murdered whilst running late last night."  

Oh my God. Yay! Was all I could think, but I didn't say it outloud, no matter how happy I was. A few people looked sad, and one girl, Sarah, cried a little. But you could easily see most people were just faking to the sad; I'm not surprised considering no one liked her. She's a bitch. I hate her guts. I would HAPPILY dance on her grave. Not that I'd go to her funeral. She's horrid.  

"Anyway class, I'm sure Miss Bremner would prefer for you to learn Spanish that to mourn over her. So, open us to page 69," Everyone giggled, "And translate the first paragraph into your books." Mrs Murray explained. Everyone sighed, obviously not wanting to work- who does?!? I opened my text book to page 69 anyway, and wrote the date in my exercise book. I read through the paragraph, which was a letter, and didn't understand almost any of it. It started with Hola, which means Hello, and ended in adios, which means goodbye. This is going to be a long lesson. I noticed Damon had wrote three sentence already, and so I nudged him and whispered "What the fuck does any of this mean?"  

"Well the first two sentence says 'Hello, my names Manny and I'm your new penpal. How are you?' And the rest are basically about 'Manny' introducing himself, and asking you stuff. You can borrow my dictionary if you like?" He explained. I muttered a "Oh, okay. Thanks Day." And took up the offer of borrowing his dictionary. I scribbled down what Damon has said the first two sentences were, and then struggled my way through the rest of the long letter using the dictionary- alot.  

"Ok, class dismissed, no homework today, just make sure you finish translating the letter. Adios!" Mrs Murray said, and everyone packed their bags, a few mumbling an adios. I walked out the classroom with Damon, heading towards room 13. On the way there, I thanked Damon for his help with Spanish.  

"Its no problem, really it isn't Louis, your a nice boy. Spanish isn't really that hard, honest. If you study it enough. I could give you tutor lessons after school if you really like, for free of course." Damon kindly offered.  

We were now out side room 13, so i didn't want to give Damon a long speech on how thankful I would be if he tutored me, so i just engulfed him in a tight hug. "YES YES YES! I WOULD LOVE THAT DAY! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU" I squealed in a manly way, kissing both his cheeks. I let go of him, and he smiled at me.  

"Its okay, Louis. If I give you my number, you can text me a time and place, and I'll be there!" Damon said, taking out a pen. He pulled up my sleeve, and scribbled his number onto my arm with the marker.  

"So it doesn't rubb off!" He explained, and walked towards room 12. I entered room 13, and saw Niall talking to Liam at the table right by the door.  

"Hey Ni!" I greeted him, kissing his cheek.  

"Hay lpu" He replied half- heartedly.  

"Whats wrong Ni?" I questioned, slipping an arm around his waist.  

"Nothing," He sighed, and rested his head on my shoulder. I knew he was lying, but decided to leave it, knowing Niall would tell him in his own time.  

Louis kissed the top of Niall's head before removing his right arm from around Niall, the arm Damon had written on, and slid my bag off my back. I put the bag on the table, unzipping it and taking out the 3 bags of crisps and 2 chicken sandwiches, he had packed for him and Niall.  

"Whats that on your arm?" Niall questions, pointing towards my right arm.  

"Nothing." You mutter, pulling down your sleeve. It's not that you didn't want Niall to know you had someone's phone number, it was th fact Niall might think your stupid for needing tutoring.  

"But it is somthing!" Niall argues, grabbing your arm and pulling up the sleeve. "07773862749... Thats a phone number! When did you write this on your arm?" Niall asks, underlining the numbers with his finger.  

"Oh I uh didn't..." I admitted, trying to pull my sleeve down.  

"Was is that boy you were hugging and cheek kissing out side the door?" Niall questioned, talking about Damon. Oh. So that's what was wrong with him when I came into the room.  

"His names Damon. He's in some of my classes." I told Niall, and somthing flawed through his eyes. Jealously?  

"Are you cheating me Lou?..." Niall whispered, tears starting to form in his eyes, one slowly slipping down his cheek.

Oops Wrong Number! ~Nouis AU~Where stories live. Discover now