Chapter 11

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GUESS WHAT!!!!!!! After getting told i had 'rubbish grammar', i got my friend, Tash, to edit my chapters!! This is really kind of her, she's SOOO nice :D

Enjoy my new chapter.. longest one YET!


Oops Wrong Number

~Nouis AU~

Chapter 11


Me and Liam went back over the comfy sofa, and finished watching Toy Story for around half an hour.

"Liam?" I whispered whilst the credits rolled on the big television, checking if Liam was awake or not.

"Yes Niall?" he whispered back.

"I did something bad at the club; I sort of kissed this boy..." I whispered feeling like the worse person ever at the moment. After a long silence, he finally chocked out an "Oh."

"It was a sort of 'spur of the moment' thing, we were dancing and then Harry kissed me. " I explained to Liam.

"Harry... Club 8... Does he know a Louis Tomlinson?" Liam asked, rather calm considering I had just told him I had kissed another boy. "Yes?" I answered... so did Liam know this Harry guy... And LOUIS?!

"But Harry knew I was dating you Ni... Plus he is dating a girl called Bella." Liam mumbled more to himself than me.

"What about Louis? What's he like?" I asked, slightly curious about my... friend.

"Meh. He has a girlfriend called Isabel, but he's gay. He just can't come to tell Izzy. He is interested in some blonde boy he met at a club, Harry told me. Maybe I could invite Louis round?" Liam asked. "YAH YAH!!" I shouted, bouncing on the sofa like an over excited puppy.

"Maybe I shouldn't invite Harry... because he kissed you..." Liam said. I nodded and stood up.

"Night Li, Li! Invite Louis for tomorrow? Please? Just don't tell him I will be there. SURPRISE HIM :D " I giggled at the 'surprise' bit.

"Okay Ni! Night... I'm going to watch Toy Story two... see you in the morning!" He smiled cuddling up to the blankets again. I reached down and planted a kiss on each of Liam's cheeks, and then skipped into my bedroom. I stripped down to my boxers, and jumped into the warmth of my quilt. I got out my phone, and logged onto my watt pad account; I had finished my last story so went to find a new one. HomoOfTheNarry, one of my favourite writers, I found her and looked through her stories. I came across one called; Behind The Scenes. The book was about a romance between one of my favourite bands. I read a few chapters of the good story, and turned my phone off. I put Write It On Her Skin by Newton Faulkner, on and tried to sleep. After around 5 more songs, mostly Leona Lewis, I felt the other side of my bed dip. Liam crawled in and wrapped his warm, muscular arms around me. His neck buried into the crook of my neck, as I began to stroke his soft hair. "Night Li," I smiled against his hair. I kissed the top of his head, and heard a muffled "Night Nialler" from Liam, and then I fell asleep.


Louis POV

I woke up, with a bad hangover! I looked to the side of my bed, to see a cup of water and some tablets, probably for the headache, on the table. Harry must've of put them there! He hadn't drunk anything last night as he was my driver.

I sat up, my head killing even more, and popped the tablets in my mouth. As I swallowed them down with some water, I picked up my phone from the side to see a text from Liam, my mate. I'm not very close with him as last time I saw him, he was with Danielle. I checked the text.









HMMMM, I wonder who Liam's new flat mate is? The message was sent at 12:01 PM, it's now half 12.


To Liam,

Yeah sure, I will be round by ABOUT 1. Later-

Lou xx


I got out of my bed, my headache now gone thanks to the tablets, and walked over to my chest of drawers. I opened my draw for my tops and pulled out a white one which was half striped with black on the top. I closed the draw again, and opened my other draw for my jeans and pulled out my electric blue, skinny jeans. I stripped to my boxers, and grabbed a new pair and headed over to my En-suite bathroom to jump in the shower. I turned the shower on, and the cold water fell down on top of me. I turned the knobs and made the shower warmer, and soon hot water was flowing onto my cold body. I washed my hair and body, and jumped out to dry off but I instantly missed the warmth of the shower as the cold air hit me, freezing me to the spot for a brief second. I wrapped a towel round my hips, and started drying myself with another one and once dried, I put on my clothes and pushed my hair to the side giving it its wind-swept look. I put some odd, random socks on and pulled on some blue VANS. I left my bedroom and checked the time on my mobile; it was now 12:45. I went into the kitchen and saw Harry cooking some toast. "Morning Harry! I'm going to visit Liam today, so see you later... yeah? And thanks for the tablets and water!" I sang to him, as I wrapped my arms round his waist. I and Harry were secretly dating. Harry didn't want any of his friends to know, so we got girlfriends to cover. I kissed his cheek, and rested my chin on his shoulder. "it's ok morning Lou, love you Lou, BYE LOUIS!!!" He said in one go.

"I love you too!" I said kissing him cheek one last time before skipping out the door. I got into my red, mini cooper and drove the 5 minute drive to Liam's flat. AS I parked my car outside the flats, I couldn't help but think who this flat mate/boyfriend of his was and entered the block of flats. I walked, no wait, I jumped, up the 8 flight of stairs and once on the 8th floor, I searched for number 8 door. As soon as I found it, I knocked loudly and within 2 seconds later, it opened. But it wasn't Liam I saw.

"Harry?!" Niall asked in shock as Liam joined him.

"No NIALL, that's Louis. I told you it was LOUIS coming round..." Liam said, wrapping his arms around Niall's waist.

"Yeah but..... He said his name was Harry..." Niall said AS Liam stiffened. Did he know I kissed Niall..?

"OH MY GOD LOUIS, YOU KISSED MY BOYFRIEND?" Liam yelled at the tip of his voice and I then felt a fist connect with my jaw. Before I knew it, everything around me was black...

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