Chapter 12

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I just... i dont know?

I wanted to update tonight, before you guys killed me. So, this isnt edited. I WILL GET IT EDITED THOUGH :D

Love you guys, im soo sorry :P



Oops Wrong Number!

~Nouis AU~

Chapter 12.


Liam's fist connected with Louis's perfect jaw, and Louis went flat on the floor.

"LIAM!!!!" I shouted kneeling down beside Louis. "LOOK WHAT YOU DID!!!" I shouted again.


"CAUSE YOU JUST KNOCKED A GUY OUT?" I snapped back, picking Louis up from the ground.

"You going to help?!" I asked, glaring and Liam as he shook his head. I lifted Louis by myself, and put him onto the sofa. "Get some ice out the freezer please, Liam?" I asked putting a pillow behind Louis head.

"No?" He scoffed and stormed out the room. I sighed and ran into the kitchen myself, grabbing an ice pack from the fridge freezer, almost dropping it because it was so cold! I went back into the living room, and kneeled by Louis' side making up more level for height in his current situation. I placed the ice pack on his head carefully, hoping it might bring back to conscious. After around 2 minutes, he STILL wasn't awake so I pulled out my blackberry and searched in Google: How to bring someone back from being unconscious.


The person will be unresponsive (does not respond to activity, touch, sound, or other stimulation).

The following symptoms may occur after a person has been unconscious:




Inability to speak or move parts of his or her body (see stroke symptoms)


Loss of bowel or bladder control (incontinence)

Rapid heartbeat (palpitations)


First Aid

Call or tell someone to call 911.

Check the person's airway, breathing, and pulse frequently. If necessary, begin rescue breathing and CPR.

If the person is breathing and lying on the back, and you do not think there is a spinal injury, carefully roll the person toward you onto the side. Bend the top leg so both hip and knee are at right angles. Gently tilt the head back to keep the airway open. If breathing or pulse stops at any time, roll the person on to his back and begin CPR.

If you think there is a spinal injury, leave the person where you found them (as long as breathing continues). If the person vomits, roll the entire body at one time to the side. Support the neck and back to keep the head and body in the same position while you roll.

Keep the person warm until medical help arrives.

If you see a person fainting, try to prevent a fall. Lay the person flat on the floor and raise the feet about 12 inches.

If fainting is likely due to low blood sugar, give the person something sweet to eat or drink when they become conscious.


Do NOT give an unconscious person any food or drink.

Do NOT leave the person alone.

Do NOT place a pillow under the head of an unconscious person.

Do NOT slap an unconscious person's face or splash water on the face to try to revive him.

OH SHIT!! I snatched the pillow away from his head, and read some more of the Google page. Hmm...

He isn't pregnant... Isn't aged over 50.... I don't know about diabetes and seizures... he is breathing... But he has fallen AND been injured!

I grabbed my phone ready to call 999, when I heard a small ground escape Louis lips.

"Louis?" I asked, seeing if he had awoken.

"I don't want to get up yet Mum!" He mumbled turning onto his side, so he was now facing me.

"Louis! I'm not you mum!" I laughed, "Its Niall..."

"What? What are you doing in my room...? You're meant to be with Liam...? W...Where's Harry? He needs to give me a wake up kiss!" Louis rambled, looking at me with confusion. When he said Harry needs to give him a wake up KISS, I felt a ping in my heart. Why? I'm not sure myself.

"Um, Louis? A) You came over to mine and Liam's flat. B) Liam stormed off. And C) Harry is at his home, I presume. Why does he need to kiss you, your dating a girl called..." I tried to remember the lucky girl's name, "Isabel, right?"

"Why did Liam storm off? Why am I HERE? Why did I fall asleep, and no, I'm dating Harry. Isabel's a cover up." He mumbled sounding VERY tired.

"You are dating...Harry?" I almost whispered, and Louis nodded. "Go back to sleep, okay Lou?"

"Sleep next to me?" He asked, innocent as a puppy.

"There's no room!" I said, pointing out the obvious; the sofa not a double bed!

"Can't we go in your bed, and sleep?" He asked, using his puppy eyes.

"No..." I replied, I didn't want to take advantage of his sleepy state!

"Pwease?" He begged. I melted at his cuteness, and picked him up bridal style, from the sofa. I took him to my bedroom, and placed the angel on my bed. I stripped down to my boxers, and I felt Louis' eyes on my body.

"Like what you see?" I winked ;)

"Mhm..." He said stripping himself down to his boxers. I crawled in beside him, but stayed as far away as possible.

"Hug me?" He whimpered, so I scooted over closer, and put my arms around his tanned body. He snuggled his face into my chest, and I felt a small vibration from his voice as he whispered "Night Niall..."

"Night Louis..." I whispered back, even though it wasn't night time. I hugged him close and eventually fell asleep....


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