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Wildcat: Look guys, I think you two should stop being mean to Craig.

BitchBoi: Why??

Vaping God: And where is this suddenly coming from?

Wildcat: Jaren might understand but John you may not. The man has been through some shit and with you two always ganging up on him not only does it make you the bad guys, but it also worsens his already stressful situation.

BitchBoi: How do you know what he's going through?

Vaping God: Yeah, I thought you had him removed.

Wildcat: I do, but that doesn't take back the fact that in the groupchat he was clearly hurt by what you were saying and I just so happened to notice.

BitchBoi: Do you still care about him, Tyler?

Wildcat: No, but I've been in his shoes before and it isn't a pleasant feeling. If I can prevent anything from happening I will. No questions asked.

Vaping God: That's very nice of you Tyler, but are you even hearing yourself?

BitchBoi: He's manipulated you, used you, treated you like shit, pushed you to the brek of death, made you feel like you weren't good enough, taken you for granted, and all of the above. We've been nothing but kind to you Tyler. We've gone out of our way to make sure you're okay and have everything you need. We've treated you like the king that you are! We've supported you,  listened to you rant about Craig and comforted you when you guys first broke up and now you're going to sit here and defend him like you two are still dating? Who's fucking side are you on?

Wildcat: I don't pick sides, I never have and I never will. But I've known that man basically my whole life, I'm not gonna sit in the sidelines and watch as you two bully him because of past shit. You have me and from my insight that's all you've wanted from the very beginning, so why is this still continuing to happen?

BitchBoi: Oh Tyler, sweet, sweet Tyler. Don't talk such drivel! I'm surprised out of everyone in the group that your the first to ask.

BitchBoi: And it's quite simple really: I'm gonna make him pay for what he did to you. For Impelling you to take you're own life. No person should ever feel like that and for him, and as your best friend, the one person who was supposed to be there for you through thick and thin. The one you would go to to vent about your problems and rid you of all your fears, was actually the one that broke you. See, in my mind, it just doesn't add up. I can't quite comprehend why he would do such a thing, can you? It's outrageous! I thought he loved you, or did he? Maybe it was all part of his brilliant plan to make you believe he loved you, that he cared for you, that he would drop down to his knees for you if you just simply asked. I mean, if you really think about it, I could definitely imagine Craig ploting such a berserk thing, don't you?

Wildcat: You know, maybe you're right.

BitchBoi: I'm always right:)

Vaping God: Jaren!

BitchBoi: Right, right. Anyways Babe, go on.

Wildcat: I never put much thought into how actually fucked up things were between him and I until you pointed them out to me.

BitchBoi: It's okay Baby! That's why I'm here.

Vaping God: Hello?

BitchBoi: Right right, we're here.

Wildcat: I'm so sorry for disregarding you guys, of course you're only looking out for me. I'm so grateful that I have you two to help me gather up the pieces Craig left behind.

Vaping God: We're always here for you Ty, that's what good boyfriends do!

BitchBoi: Of course:)

Wildcat: Anyways, I should get going, ttyl!

Wildcat has gone offline

Now showing Private messages between BitchBoi and Vaping God:

BitchBoi: I think he's hiding something from us. He wouldn't have brought up Craig if he didn't still care about him.

Vaping God: I agree one hundred percent.

BitchBoi: Then I think you'll like what's coming next;)

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