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Tyler never left that hospital waiting room, even after the protests of his friends trying to rip him from his thoughts that began to consume him.

It Had been three, long days since the incident Accord. Brock and John took turns watching over Tyler to make sure he wouldn't go and harm himself in anyway, seeing as he had a past for that kind of stuff. With such pressure over his shoulders it wouldn't surprise either of them if he tried.

"You don't need to watch me, I'm not ten years old anymore, Brock," Tyler grumbled into his hands. Brock sighed heavily while placing a comforting hand across Tyler's back.

"It's not that Ty," Brock replied softly.

"Then what?" Tyler asked, removing his face from his hands to look at Brock.

"To make sure you don't try and do anything yourself." At that Tyler was stocked. Both at the worrisome that he's been causing for his friends and with his mind being currently occupied he completely forgot about that.

With one last heavy sigh he gave into Brock's comforting, leaning into him as silent tears streamed down his cheeks.

Suddenly, John appeared in front of the two with three cups of coffee. No one said anything as John handed them their coffee's and sat down in the chair next to Tyler. He took a sip of his beverage as he observed the hospital waiting room, seeming to find every crack and every out of place object there were.

"I know this isn't really the time, and quite frankly I can't fucking stand this silence anymore," John spoke up, catching the attention of the two as they glanced over at him, silently allowing him to continue with his ponderment.

"What was even going on between you two? Did you really ever even break up? Or were you planning this whole thing all along?" Immediately after John's question Brock glared daggers into the man's head.

"John! You couldn't have just waited to ask that?!" Brock whisper-shouted, making John's eyes widen as he finally seemed to realized what he'd done. But before either of them could go any further Tyler raised his hand in a silent motion to quiet them. Both instantly shut up and stared at Tyler; awaiting a response both were too eager to hear.

"It's Okay, I understand why you would want to know." He said as he glanced between his two friends that sat on either side of him. Neither of then said a word as they waited patiently for him to continue.

"We did break up when we had that big fight. Both of us were angry with each other, and we had our reasons that the other never agreed with. But, soon after you and Jaren approached me Craig had also contacted me. I won't lie I did have some feelings towards you and Jaren, but when Craig texted me, apologizing immensely in regards to what happened between him and I, I had told him that we were dating. And instead of getting all mad at me he came up with this elaborate plan to finally get to the bottom of why Jarwn hated him so much. After that he never asked for me back, he respected my choices and supported me if I needed it. Though my feelings for him were and are still very strong, our time had come to it's end and we both need to accept that." Tyler explained, now turned slightly more towards John who looked almost puzzled, like he was trying to tie the strings together. But their thoughts were interrupted when a voice called out Tyler's name. Immediately the three jumped and raced towards the nurse who ushered them towards Craig's room.

"He is awake, but he won't be able to talk very loudly if not at all." She explained, they all nodded before the nurse left them in front of Craig's room.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2021 ⏰

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