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Moo has created a Groupchat

Moo has changed the groupchat's name to "The Good Guys"

Moo has added Mini-V-two to the chat!

Moo has added Terrorizer to the chat!

Moo has added Evan to the chat!

Moo has added Delirious to the chat!

Moo: I have gathered you all here today because I want to know the truth and you all have given me reason to believe you want the same thing.

Delirious: You are indeed correct.

Moo: And just so that everyone's aware anything said in this Groupchat will not be spoken about anywhere else.

Mini-V-two: Why do u suddenly sound all smart and shit?

Evan: Yeah.

Moo: Evan stfu you can't say shit you literally have the most basic username ever.

Evan: Bro why is everyone attacking me?!

Delirious: Because ur username sucks bitch😎

Terrorizer: okay! Why don't we get back on track and start talking about what we really think is going on.

Delirious: I feel like Mini would know the most.

Mini-V-two: Y u calling me out like that?

Delirious: I'm not calling u out Min I'm just saying; u were the closest person to Tyler before u guys broke up so u would probably have a better guess as to what the fuck is going on.

Terrorizer: ur not wrong.

Mini-V-two: what did you not believe?

Delirious: I don't believe you made Tyler feel bad and tried to make him take the blame for the relationship ending.

Mini-V-two: And what made you think that?

Delirious: Because that's not like you.

Terrorizer: So what ur saying is that Jaren, Tyler, and John lied?

Evan: Guys, Craig is RIGHT HERE! Why don't u dumbasses just ask🙄

Terrorizer: Good point.

Moo: Craig,

Mini-V-two: ...

Delirious: Wait are u saying it's actually true?

Mini-V-two: not all of it was.

Evan: What was the lie then?

Mini-V-two: That I tried to make him take the blame for the relationship ending.

Moo: So they were telling the truth about how you had been putting a weight on Tyler's shoulders throughout the relationship?

Mini-V-two: In some terms yes that is true.

Evan: What do you mean in some terms Craig?

Mini-V-two: I told him something and I guess it made him feel like it was partly his fault. I actually never knew he felt like that until it was brought up in the Groupchat by Jaren.

Delirious: So u had no idea Tyler was feeling that way?

Mini-V-two: No.

Terrorizer: So why did Tyler lie about it then?

Mini-V-two: wait he lied?

Evan: Yes.

Mini-V-two: that's weird.

Moo: Yes Craig, that is why I created this Groupchat so we could discuss it and figure out what the fuck is going on.

Delirious: Honestly I think John and Jaren made Tyler be with them to get back at Craig.

Mini-V-two: That could be true but Tyler wouldn't just give up as quickly as he had.

Evan: True.

Moo: Before we make anymore assumptions how about we go back to the chat later on and see if there's anything suspicious about what their doing and saying to each other.

Delirious: Good idea.

Mini-V-two: I'm in.

Evan: I know I'll get dragged into this anyway by Jon.

Delirious: Hey!

Evan: I love you:3

Delirious: I love you too:33

Terrorizer: I would say the same thing Evan said but I know I'll get my ass whipped if I do.

Moo: u bet it bitch;)

Mini-V-two: K well I'm gonna go cause I ain't third wheeling today boys.

Mini-V-two has gone offline

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