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Brock waited Impatiently for the young Brit to show up, tapping his foot on the floor and checking his watch every few minutes. He was eager to finally get to the bottom of what's been going on with Tyler and Craig, he only wanted what was best for them and he knew the two were hiding something from the rest of the guys, he just didn't know what.

Suddenly, a loud car horn sounded from the parking lot making Brock glance up to see a black Honda Civic sitting ten feet away from him. Brock quickly gathered his things and made his way towards the car, threw his suitcase in the back, and got in the passenger seat. But when he turned to see who he thought was going to be Craig, his eyes widened at the sight of the latter staring back at him.

"Thought Craig was going to pick you up, didn't you?" He asked as he pulled out of the parking lot and drove onto the main road. Brock couldn't find it in him to speak so he nodded while slowly looking away from him.

"So it's true then?" Brock asked after a few minutes of complete silence between them. The older of the two chuckled softly while glancing over at Brock.

"Don't act like you're surprised," he responded, taking a sharp turn down a narrow road.

"I'm not, just a little stunned I guess," Brock replied, the palms of his hands beginning to sweat as he rubbed them together.

"Why?" He asked, glancing over at the youngin who seemed more anxious then he's let on.

"I didn't actually think you guys would trust me enough," Brock looked back at the latter, catching the smirk spreading across his face before he covered it with his hand.

"Craig was the one who suggested it, I just went along with it," they pulled into the parking lot of a apartment building where Brock could only presume Craig lived in. The older parked the car and the two got out and made their way into the building.

As they waited in the elevator Brock's mind began to race with numerous predictions regarding Craig and Tyler. Before when he was trying to get the truth out of Tyler and Craig he had no idea how serious their situation really was until Craig said they'd have to meet up to discuss it. It scared Brock a little because he had no idea what he was getting himself involved in, and he's been doubting himself ever since he got on that plane earlier that morning.

Soon he found himself in front of door number 2424, Craig's apartment.

A few seconds after entering the apartment Tyler swung his arm out to shield Brock once spotting all his boyfriend's packed in Craig's living room, with Craig pacing back and forth and Jaren and John sitting humbly on the couch.

The three snapped their heads in the direction of where Tyler and Brock stood at the door, a look of sheer terror writen in their eyes as they took in their surroundings.

Craig stared with anxious eyes at Tyler, his bottom lip beginning to quiver in fear of what was to come next.

A smile grew upon Jaren's face as he noticed Tyler standing at the door and pushed himself off the couch.

"Ah! I see you've finally arrived," Jaren exclaimed with a crossed smile. Tyler didn't say a word as he stood his ground. Glaring at Jaren while gritting his teeth.

Tyler's mind was racing at this rate. Thoughts starting to cloud his mind rapidly. How did they find out? Why are they here? Have they done anything to Craig? But his thoughts were interrupted when Brock decided to step in,

"What the fuck is going on right now?" Brock asked, mildly confused at this point as to what was happening before his eyes. Is this why Craig wanted him here? He thought.

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