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Tim hortons is better than Starbucks

I-❤-Evan: Show us.

Mini-V-two: How??

PotatoBitch: By screenshotting it you idoit!

Mini-V-two: okay okay!

Mini-V-two sent 2 pictures.

*This next part will be showing the conversation between Mini and Sami*

Sunidey: Craig I'm sorry.

Sunidey: I didn't mean to take control of your life and cause Tyler to almost kill himself, that's not what I was intending at all.

Mini-V-two: Then what were you intending?

Sunidey: I wanted you all to myself, I was jealous of how much you talked to your friends, especially Tyler and when I found out you had a crush on him I went crazy. I know you probably won't forgive me and most likely block me again but I just had to get that out.

Mini-V-two: You actually think I'm gonna believe you? After everything you put me along with my friends through? Ha, that's funny.

Sunidey: I'm being serious Craig! I really am sorry and wish I could take back what I did to you and your friends.

Mini-V-two: Yeah not gonna happen.

*now back to the groupchat*

BlackLivesMatter: Holy shit..

Wildcat: Add me to the conversation.

Mini-V-two: Tyler I'm not sure if that's the brightest idea.

Wildcat: I don't give two shits I've been holding in what I've wanted to say to this bitch for far to long.


Moo: Basically a few months ago Craig started dated this girl named Sami, we added her to the chat but soon Craig started acting differently, like in a mean way. It got so out of hand when Tyler tried killing himself because Craig wasn't talking to him causing us all to hate Craig and Sami. Later on Craig came forward and told us the truth of what really happened and apparently Sami was abusive towards Craig and was trying to have him all to herself and get rid of us. We forgave him then him and Tyler got together, Jaren still hasn't fully forgave Craig for some unknown reason but all of us have and now we're here.

Vaping God: Okay thank you.

Moo: Your welcome.

Wildcat: Craig fucking add me to that chat now.

Mini-V-two: Promise you won't do anything or get out of hand?

Terrorizer: Mini it's Tyler we're talking about, are you seriously telling him to make a promise we all know damn well he won't keep?

Mini-V-two: Good point..

Wildcat: add me.

Mini-V-two: K

Now showing a private conversation between Sunidey and Mini-V-two.

Mini-V-two added Wildcat to the chat.

Sunidey: Craig who is that?

Wildcat: His boyfriend you fucking sult.

Mini-V-two: Tyler!

Sunidey: Omg I'm so sorry Tyler! For everything I put you through, I should have never took advantage of Craig like I had and caused you to almost take your life. I'm such a fucking bitch for doing that and I know neither of you will forgive me which is understandable considering what I've done.

Wildcat: You're funny Sami, really.

Sunidey: ???

Mini-V-two: Tyler..

Wildcat: You honestly think either Craig or I will ever forgive you for the mess you created and left for us to clean up? You really think I'm gonna forgive you for making me feel so worthless and alone that I tried to kill myself? Made Craig almost kill himself, you're honestly fucking crazy if you think that. Oh wait, you are crazy.

Sunidey: I should have seen that coming..

Wildcat: Damn fucking right you fucking bitch.

Wildcat: I never liked you from the start, I knew there was something fishy about you but I was the only one who saw right through your disgusting lies.

Wildcat: I hope you rot in hell you fucking cunt.

Wildcat left the chat.

Sunidey: Craig..?

Mini-V-two: I'm with him Sam, you're a fucking bitch and I hope to never speak to you again.

Sunidey: Before you block me I just want to say one more thing.

Mini-V-two: And what's that?

Sunidey: Did you ever tell Tyler or any of the others about the tracking device?

Mini-V-two: no..

Sunidey: You can't hide from me Craig Thompson, I know exactly where you are at any time.

Sunidey: You can't run from me Craigy;)

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