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Why am I so nervous?! I've never even met this guy yet I'm sitting here, have been for the past 20 minutes trying to decide on what to wear when normally I don't give two flying fucks what anyone thinks of my fashion sense!

If you're wondering I'm referring to John, one of the new members of our beloved group chat.

For some ungodly known reason this man has struck out to me unlike any of the rest, including Tyler.


Come to think of it I haven't really talked to Tyler ever since I blew him off after I confessed my feelings. I was frustrated and upset about him and Craig getting together. Even though it was out of my control I still feel like I could have done something so they wouldn't have gotten together. I mean they were both in pretty bad situations at the same time so it's not surprising they went to each other for assistance. I wish Tyler picked me to run to with his problems instead of Craig: the one who started all this shit.

After a few more minutes I finally pick out a dark green hoodie with a plain white t-shirt underneath and dark blue skinny Jean's. Can't go wrong with that.

I was already packed and ready to go since I prepacked last night cause knowing me if I were to have packed this morning I probably would have missed some pretty important stuff cause when you're running around your house an hour before your flight takes off you're mind is just. Gone.

I place my suitcase in the trunk of my car and get in, start the engine, and pull out of the driveway and head to the airport.



"Evaaaann! So good to see you man!" I exclaime as Evan and I bro hug. "Same here! Please, come in." He says while stepping aside to let me through. I smile and nod as I pass him and take off my shoes.

"You'll be sharing a room with Scotty but he's not here yet. It's down the hall, third door on your left." Evan directs. I again nod and head into the direction he pointed in.

While passing the living room I spot Craig and Tyler sitting on the couch having a conversation with Jonathan. They don't seem to notice me as I walk by which I'm both grateful for and a little hurt by. Like come on! How could they have NOT heard me and Evan basically yelling at each other at the door?

I throw my bag on the bed, that's when I realized there was only one bed. Meaning Scott and I would be sharing and if not someone was gonna be sleeping on the floor. No sir, not me bitch.

I debate with myself on whether or not I should unpack or not but come to the conclusion that I probably won't even unpack so it doesn't matter.

I walk back into the living room but this time through an entrance I knew everyone that were here so far would be able to notice me.

First was Tyler, who literally cut himself out of the conversation he was having with Craig and Jonathan to get up and bro hug me.

"Nice to see ya Marcel." Tyler greets with a smile which I return. As Tyler moves out of the way Craig and I lock eyes with each other. Even though I had already forgave him And apologized for the inconvenience I could still feel a bit of tension in the room between us. Maybe it's because I never fully forgave him, who knows.

We just nod at each other as I sit beside Tyler.



"Do you think Marcel is still mad at me?" Craig whispers to me while leaning in a bit, most likely so no one else would overhear the conversation we were about to have.

I take a quick glance over my shoulder to Tyler and Marcel who were laughing about something then turn back to Mini and shrug.

"Not sure, if you're so concerned about it why don't you just go talk to him? Marcel's a pretty understanding guy." I suggest, leaning into the couch more as Craig sighs heavily.

"Yeah you're right, but I have a feeling Marcel isn't gonna be the only one whose gonna have a problem with me." Craig replies. I nod seeing as I didn't know what else do to and that what he said made sense. There was a pretty good chance Marcel wasn't the only one who is still mad at Craig. Jaren for sure. Cause we all know he has it out for Craig but doesn't let on why.

My thoughts get cut short when I overhear Evan and someone new by the front door. Craig seems to hear this too as he looks in the direction then back to me with a worried expression.

"You're fine, calm down I'm right here and so is Tyler." I reassure him, grabbing his arm and squeezing lightly so he knew I was here for him. He chuckles softly and smiles before the new person walks in and Craig intakes sharply.



In no ideal world would Mini and I get along so it didn't surprise me when I walked into the living room we all heard Craig's big intake once spotting me at the other end of the room.

"Sup fuckers." I greet with a grin. Tyler was up on his feet in seconds, approaching me with his arms opened wide.

That's when I glance over at Craig and see the jealousy in his eyes. I get an idea as I smirk and hug Tyler tightly, making sure Craig could see just how tightly I had my arms wrapped around him.

When we pull away from each other I smile sweetly at Tyler who returns the gesture just as kindly. That was when I had set my goal for the week I'd be staying with the guys:

And that was to torment Craig Thompson until I expose every little dirty secret that bitch is hiding and make Tyler mine.

It's game time mother fucker.

Hi!!! Please read

Soooooooo as some of you may know I have a job now. I finally got my shifts and work has me exhausted, plus I have school so my writing time has gone down quite a bit. I'm Also writing this short story for a contest of a prize of $1,000 dollars and my advisor gave me the BEST idea for it. I'll probably post it on my one shot book when it's done and if I actually win I'll let you guys know.

Anyways just wanted to let you know updates may be a bit, so bare with me.

Have a great day!!!

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