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Craig's POV (trigger warning, self harm is in this chapter so read at your own risk)

I sat there, holding my phone tightly in my hands. I could barely see from the tears taking up my vision. My whole body was shaking violently, my teeth clinched so hard my mouth hurt. My hands found their way into my hair as I started pulling at it. I started rocking my body back and fourth in a way to calm myself but to no use. My breathing was out of control, I started pacing around my small apartment.

"AHH!" I screamed as I threw my phone at the wall, watching it shatter into millions of pieces. My eyes went wide as I slowly made my way over to the corner of the room where my now broken phone sat on the ground. I slowly lent down, sitting on my knees as my shaking hands grabbed one of the glass shards, I looked to my wrist then back to the glass. Slowly I brought it up to my wrist, pressing down so hard I was sure I would leave scars. I shut my eyes tightly well clinching my teeth together to hold in any screams of pain. Tears poured from my eyes making everything blurry. I could only see colours, grey, black, and a whole lot of red...

Once my arms were covered in cuts and blood I stopped, placing the glass back on the ground where it was found. I let out a shaky breath as I slowly got up, pulling down the sleeves of my hoodie as I stumbled into my bedroom. I shut the door and slid down it. Bringing my legs to my chest as I hugged myself, I buried my head in my lap as I cried, and cried, and cried for the rest of the night, or until the sun could be seen from the horizon.

I signed as I slowly got back up from my place against the door, I walked into the bathroom and started cleaning the blood. I looked up seeing the reflection of myself starring back at me, my lip started quivering and tears spilled from my eyes once more. My hands clinched the counter top as I sobbed loudly. "What have I done?" I asked myself well looking back up. I punched the mirror shattering it, my knuckles starting to bleed as I just stood there, looking at myself through the shattered pieces of glass.

"What have I done?"

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