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One by one the guys started piling into Evan's house. Some of them: (Lui, Brock, and David) were really happy and excited to see me. Brock basically jumped on me when he saw me on the couch.

The whole Jaren and Sami situation started fading from my brain; I was having fun with my friends, why should I be bummed out?

Tyler kept glancing at me every once in awhile, that look of worry in his eyes everytime to which I just shook my head and continued talking to Brock and David about upcoming video ideas.

Everything was going smoothly, perfect you could say. That was until John and Jaren decided it'd be a good idea to play truth or dare.

"So everyone knows the rules right?" Jonathan asks, making sure no one was left hanging to which we all nod to. I was sitting across legged beside Jonathan and Brock, Tyler was beside Evan who was beside Jonathan, Brian was beside Brock, Marcel was beside Brian, David was beside Marcel, Scotty was beside David, Lui was beside Scotty, Jaren was beside Lui, John was beside Jaren, and Anthony was beside John.

We had a full house. Literally. 13 grown men sitting in a some what circle playing a child's game. That is if you took out all the dirty shit and drinking.

"So! Who wants to go first?" Brian asks, glancing around the room.

"I will." I speak up, raising my hand so everyone knows who was talking. Brian nods and gestures his hand for me to go. I look around the room; trying to find my first target and I smirk once settling my eyes on Lui who squirms in his seat next to Scotty.

"Truth or dare Lui?" I ask while leaning forward on my elbows, my chin in my palms as I smirk at him.

"T-truth." He stutters while glancing around nervously. He probably thought I was gonna expose him of all his dirty little secrets, but he should know I'm not that type of person.

"Who was your first kiss?" I ask. His eyes widen a bit in surprise as he immediately looks to David. I grin.

"What happens if I lie?" He counters making some of us laugh. "Then you have to take a shot." Anthony answers while holding up a shot glass. Lui hums. "Come on! Just tell us who your first kiss was we're not gonna make fun of you!" Tyler suddenly shouts, probably because he was an inpatient bastard.

"Fine it was David!" Lui shouts making some of us gasp while others full on started laughing, that included Tyler.

"Lui you little bitch! Why didn't you just drink!?" David shouts making Lui shrink back. I suddenly felt bad for him, no wonder he looked so scared to say.

"David don't yell at him, I'm pretty sure none of us are gonna judge you two but for your sudden outburst some of us might." I speak, standing up for Lui who looked like he was about to start crying. He looks to me with a smile to which I return then lock eyes with David. "If anything that was my fault; I'm the one who asked so if anything blame me." Everyone seemed to be shocked with what I said, I'm not that mean.

"Okaaaaaayy let's get on with the game." John says, sounding out the "a" and leaning back on his hands.

"Brock, truth or dare?" Lui asks turning to face Brock more. Brock thinks about it for a second before smirking to himself and giggling. "Dare." He replies. Lui suddenly smirks as well. "Sit in Brian's lap until your next turn." All of us but Brian and Brock start laughing our asses off as we watch Brock get up, walk over to Brian, and plop down in his lap.

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