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Tyler💗: You like me? As in like like me?!

Bitchboi: Yeah...

Bitchboi: That also kinda the reason why I hate Craig so much.. he took you away from me right before I was planning on telling you I liked you. I felt so terrible for making fun of you and what not and I started developing feelings for you after we found out the truth of what happened. Then Craig came in and just, took you away from me.. I know I sound stupid right now but I have strong feelings for you and I know you're with Craig and probably will happy with him so I don't want to ruin anything you have with him. Even tho I hate him I don't hate you, and if you're happy than I'm happy.

Tyler💗: oh.. I honestly don't know what to say to that Lucas.

Bitchboi: I never rlly expected you to say anything in general.

Tyler💗: That seems legit.

Bitchboi: Yeah..

Bitchboi: I feel like I ruined our friendship. If we even had one to begin with.

Tyler💗: If I didn't care about you Lucas I wouldn't have texted you. You mean a lot to me, I don't want to say you ruined what we had but maybe we should just forget it?

Tyler💗: Fuck never mind that just sounds rude.

Bitchboi: No I understand what you're saying. Just move on with our lives right? Forget this even happened. I get it, I'm ok with doing that.

Tyler💗: Lucas, you know that's not what I meant.

Bitchboi: Then what did you mean Tyler? For all I know you're probably calling Craig right now and telling him everything I just told you. Am I right?

Tyler💗: No, no you're not Lucas. You know damn fucking straight that's not what I meant but you're trying to make it a big deal so I'll feel bad.

Bitchboi: Whatever

Tyler💗: Look all I want to do is help you, but with what I've been given there's not much I can do.

Bitchboi: I never asked you to help me Tyler.

Tyler💗: But I want too.

Bitchboi: Ok? Go help someone else.

Bitchboi has gone offline.

Now showing a private conversation between Tyler💗 and Mini-V-two

Mini-V-two: Did you figure out why he hates me?

Tyler💗: No, he wouldn't answer my texts.

Mini-V-two: Oh, okay then. Are you okay?

Tyler💗: Of course I am:) why wouldn't I be?

Mini-V-two: I don't know, I just want to make sure you're okay:)

Tyler💗: Well I'm doing just fine babe. How are you?

Mini-V-two: I'm fine.

Tyler💗: You're cute;3

Mini-V-two: Thank you, so are you:)

Tyler💗: Whatever nerd. I'm going to bed, ttyl.

Tyler💗 has gone offline.

Now showing a private conversation between Mini-V-two and I-❤-Evan.

Mini-V-two: I think Tyler's lying to me.

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