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Showing private messages between I-❤-Evan and Mini-V-two

I-❤-Evan: Are you busy at the moment?

Mini-V-two: No why?

I-❤-Evan: cause I need to get something off my chest, if that's alright with you.

Mini-V-two: Yes of course! What's up Del?

I-❤-Evan: I just wanna say this before getting into any other topics, I'm sorry for what me and the guys put you through. If I had of known what was happening I would have never said any of the things that were said and or done to you. We all kinda just jumped to conclusions so quickly when the whole Tyler thing happened. We were both worried yet angry because from the information we were given about the situation (which wasn't much) we were to think you were the reason behind Tyler's behavior.

Mini-V-two: Please Jonathan, don't worry about it. You have every right to have thought like that when Tyler tried killing himself. We all make mistakes, we just gotta learn from them.

I-❤-Evan: Yeah I know but I still feel really bad, we're good right?

Mini-V-two: Of course we are!

I-❤-Evan: Okay thank god! I was worried you wouldn't want to be friends after what happened.

Mini-V-two: That's understandable. Also do the others actually want to be friends? Like with me?

I-❤-Evan: To be perfectly honest here Min, I don't know.. All I know is Evan's fine with you, so is Brock, Lui, Brian, David, and Marcel.

Mini-V-two: What about Lucas?

I-❤-Evan: I mean, you saw how he acted towards you in the chat. So I think that answers your question..

Mini-V-two: True..

Mini-V-two: Now you texted me because you needed to get something off your chest?

I-❤-Evan: Right! Well it's kinda about Evan and I..

Mini-V-two: Oh? I thought you two were fine. Did something happen?

I-❤-Evan: Well nothing really DID happen, it's just my mind has been thinking about things that normally I wouldn't think about when in a relationship and I guess I'm just worried or something. Things with Evan and I are going incredibly well and I love him with all my heart, I just don't want to ruin what we have, ya know?

Mini-V-two: Yes of course. I understand that. What have you been thinking about?

I-❤-Evan: Having a kid with him..


I-❤-Evan: I'm scared, what do I do?

Mini-V-two: Bro that's a good thing! That means you trust Evan and feel comfortable around him enough to have a child. At least it's only good if Evan wants the same thing.

I-❤-Evan: Yeah that's what I'm scared about.. I want to talk to him about it so badly but we haven't been dating for even a year! Like I feel it's to soon ya know?

Mini-V-two: I get it. Well if you feel that way then maybe you should wait, you are right it does seem a bit soon to bring up such a huge topic like that when you've only been dating for five months. Maybe waitings a good thing, this is a very big topic so you need to think a lot about this.

I-❤-Evan: Yeah you're right, thank you for listening to me. I really appreciate it Mini:) If you ever need someone to rant too or talk too I'm here okay?

Mini-V-two: No worries! Always willing to help:) and thank you I might take you up on that offer one day.

I-❤-Evan: Okay well I'm gonna go, Evan needs me:) ttyl

Mini-V-two: Yup! See ya.

I-❤-Evan has gone offline

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