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Craig's POV

I stared wide eyed at my phone screen, the conversation between Tyler and I showing. I had no idea what he was doing, no idea whatsoever. Brock wasn't here as he went out to get a few things leaving me here, alone.

I was pacing around the room, panicking slightly as my mind danced with thoughts.

Sudden banging came from the door causing me to jump. It didn't stop either. "I'm coming!" I shouted, but the person didn't stop banging on the door.

Groaning, I walk to it and unlock it. Swinging it open about to yell at whoever it was when lips went over mine.

I yelped and stared at Tyler, what was he doing here?! Shouldn't he be at the hospital?

He stepped forward causing me to step back, he shut the door then pulled away from the kiss. He cupped my cheeks and rested his head on mine, breathing heavily.

"W-what, how, why, w-what's happening?" My breathing was all over the place, my body shaking slightly under his touch, my eyes wide as they looked into his ocean blue eyes.

"Tell me, right here, right now, what the hell is going on." He said. My breathing got caught in the back of my throat as I looked at him, his eyes never leaving mine even for a second. "I-I-I." I stuttered, not being able to breath as my panic attack rose within me. "I-I c-ca-can't b-breath." I whispered. Tyler's eyes widen as he pulled me towards his chest, Rocking me back and forth as I started sobbing.

Water hitting the window caught my attention, pulling only slightly away from Tyler to look over at the window. It was raining.

I pull away from Tyler fully now, taking deep breathes as I make my way over to the big window. Tyler didn't move from his spot, he only leaned against the wall and looked my way. "Are you gonna tell me?" He asks. I sigh and look down at my wrists that were covered by the fabric of my hoodie. Slowly, I bring my hand to it and pull up the sleeve. A gasp was heard from him along with footsteps.

Tyler takes my arm in his hands, examining it closely then locking eyes with me.

"Why?" He asks. His voice barely above a whisper. He looks to my wrist/arm then back up to my eyes, his becoming glossy. That's when I noticed that my eyes were watering, then they rolled down my cheeks. I sob out and back away from Tyler, he seems too shocked at what's happening to notice my movement, though.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm so fucking sorry Tyler." I sobbed. Tyler seemed to return to his senses and noticed me still backing away from him, tears pouring from my eyes. "Craig." He spoke softly. I sobbed louder and backed up into the dresser. My breathing was starting to overwhelm me, it was the only thing being heard in this room.

"I-I can't do t-this." I stuttered. I could barely see at this point as the tears were taking up my version fairly quickly.

"Do what Craig? Craig I only want to help but you gotta explain to me what's going on please." Tyler pleads. I look to Tyler, locking eyes with him as I sob out again. "Help me." I sobbed.

I started falling to the ground but Tyler caught me before I hit the ground. He held me tightly in his arms and rocked back and forth, telling me everything was gonna be okay over and over again until I finally calmed down enough that I could breathe.

That's when the door opened, revealing Brock carrying two bags of whatever he bought. His eyes widen once they settled on Tyler and I on the floor. He pretty much dropped the bags and raced over to us.

"Tyler what the hell are you doing here?! Shouldn't you be at the hospital?" Brock asks. He kneeled down in front of us, looking between us rapidly.

"T-Tyler knows." I whispered. His eyes went wide as he looked up at Tyler who was holding me. All of a sudden his face went Serious as he looked at Tyler dead in the eyes. "The others can't know, at least about Craig." Tyler nods.

He helps me up and leads me to the bed. "Thank you, you shouldn't be doing this though Ty." I say to him. He chuckles and shakes his head. "I know how you feel, it's a horrible feeling and if I can stop someone from doing something I tried to do I will." My heart melts at his words. I throw myself at him and wrap my arms around his neck, throwing him off balance. Brock could be heard giggling in the background but I honestly didn't care.

"You guys are too cute." He comments. I giggle as I pull away from Tyler. We rest our heads together and just stare at each other.

Slowly I start to lean in, Tyler doing the same until stopping when our lips meet.......


I know updates have been slow, honestly I feel so bad that I'm not even going to reread through this to make sure there aren't any mistakes cause I feel the need to get an update out there.

Hope you enjoy, I'll try and get more posted.

Yeet yeet out ✌

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