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Showing a private conversation between Moo and Mini-V-two:

Moo: Craig? Are you okay?

Moo: I just wanted to make sure because of, well, you know.

Moo: Look, I'm always gonna be here for you no matter what happens. I honestly don't give two rats asses about what Jaren and John have to say about you. They don't know the real you and I'm not saying I do, but I do know you aren't what they say you are. And I know you never actually did anything to Tyler.

Moo: hey, just checking in. It's been a while since anyone has heard from you and I just want to make sure you're okay. If you need me you know where to find me.

Moo: I know I'm probably just bothering you at this point but after speaking with Tyler I thought I'd give it a go with you again.

Moo: Also, I know about you and Tyler.

Mini-V-two: What??

Moo: So now you answer

Mini-V-two: I've been getting your messages the whole time Brock, I just haven't been replying.

Moo: So why are you now?

Mini-V-two: Because of what you just said.

Moo: What? You and Tyler?

Mini-V-two: Yes.

Moo: And what did you think I meant by that?

Mini-V-two: Idk??

Moo: Look Tyler blocked me and you're my only hope of figuring out the truth.

Mini-V-two: Why are you so determined to find out the "truth"?

Moo: Because maybe if I figure it all everything will finally make sense.

Mini-V-two: K what you just said doesn't make any sense.

Moo: Are you and Tyler still together? Yes or no?

Mini-V-two: no

Moo: You promise you aren't lying?

Mini-V-two: Brock you're really starting to get on my nerves.

Moo: Just answer the damn question!

Mini-V-two: And what would you do if I pur-say, lied?

Moo: I wouldn't be happy.

Mini-V-two: that it?

Moo: Craig, you're honestly just making it so much worse for yourself and Tyler.

Mini-V-two: What are you gonna do if I do conform that Tyler and I are indeed still dating?

Moo: I'll figure out why Jaren and John hate you so much.

Moo: Does that satisfy you enough to give me the truth?

Mini-V-two: Fine, but it isn't what you think. And we can't do it over text.

Moo: Then how?

Mini-V-two: You need to come over to the UK.

Moo: Now?

Mini-V-two: If you want your answers, yes

Moo: The earliest I can get there is tomorrow morning at six, is that okay?

Mini-V-two: Yes

Moo: I'll see you then

Mini-V-two: Alright, I'll see you then.

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