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Tim hortons is better than Starbucks

Moo: Does anyone know what happened between Craig and Tyler?

BlackLivesMatter: Nah man, sorry:/

Moo: It's okay, I'm just worried about the two.

I-❤-Jon: We all are Brock.

Lui: It's been a week since that fight they had right?

Moo: yes

Lui: Have you guys tried texting either of them individually?

Moo: Yes, neither of them replied.

Lui: Oh.. well then I'm not sure what to do.

Terrorizer: What about Jaren?

BlackLivesMatter: He left the chat so I have no idea.

Moo: Didn't John say he went to go talk to him or something?

Terrorizer: Yes actually he did.

Vaping God: If you're gonna talk about what went down make a different group chat or something.

Moo: What happened with Jaren? Is he okay?

Vaping God: He's fine don't worry, he just doesn't want to come back to the Groupchat of fear of getting scolded by Craig.

I-❤-Evan: Does he know the two had a fight after he left?

Vaping God: Yes.

Vaping God: And just so you guys know he feels super bad about being the cause of the fight Craig and Tyler had. Idk if either of them can see this but he is sorry for what he made Tyler do by not telling Craig what was really going on.

407: He's forgiven.

I-❤-Jon: Yeah I don't think any of us were ever mad at him. It's just Tyler and Craig.

Vaping God: Well he deeply appreciates it:)

Wildcat: Hey guys.


Wildcat: Ha, not like I've heard that before.

BlackLivesMatter: Damn what happened to you?

Moo: How's Craig doing? Is he okay? Are you okay?

Terrorizer: Brock you're gonna scare him away with all the questioning!

Moo: Sorry! I can't help it!

Wildcat: Craig broke up with me.

I-❤-Jon: WHAT?!

BlackLivesMatter: WHAT

Lui: WHAT!?

Moo: What?

Terrorizer: WTF?!

i-❤-Evan: No! Not my favorite couple!

407: aw sorry man:/

PandaMan: I'm here for you dude.


Wildcat: Will you all just stfu about it already? It's already been dealt with so don't worry about it.

Vaping God: Tyler Jaren wants to talk to you.

Wildcat: Whatever.

Wildcat has gone offline

Moo: Oh my god...

I-❤-Evan: I honestly can't believe this..

Terrorizer: How could they have broken up? I thought those two could get through anything?

Mini-V-two: Well sometimes things just don't go the way you planned them.

407: Mini! How you doing bro?

Mini-V-two: In all honesty: I'm doing great:)

I-❤-Jon: Wait really? I thought you were like, full out in love with Tyler?

Mini-V-two: I was; until he lied to me.

Lui: He had a valid reason though!

Mini-V-two: I'm not doing this again.

Mini-V-two has gone offline

Moo: I really hope those two don't get themselves into too much of a mess that they can't get themselves out.

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