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Craig's POV

For the first time in months I actually slept good. I didn't wake up in the middle of the night in cold sweats or screaming. I woke up with the sun shinning into my room from the window. I smiled, like I actually smiled and got up and ready for the day.

After showing and putting a dark blue hoodie on that said "basic bitch" on the front and blue skinny jeans that were ripped at the knees I grabbed my suitcase, wallet, keys and phone and ran out the door.

My hands were beginning to sweat, my leg bouncing up and down at a fast pace. I bit my lip as my nerves began to gain over my body.

I was nervous for three things. Number one, seeing Tyler after everything I've done, I mean he fucking loves me! He feels the same way I feel about him but I fucked it up so badly, god just thinking about it brings tears to my eyes. Number two, the guys. If they'd saw me they would probably beat me up badly, more then I already am but they don't need to know that nor will they find out. That leads to number three, my cuts. Their all over my body. My thighs, stomach, wrists, arms, legs, ankles, everywhere.

I looked out the window, seeing that we were about to land. Just as I thought that the speakers went off saying that we were landing. I sigh to myself and lean back, breathing in through my nose and out my mouth. I can do this.

I can't do this I can't do this I can't do this I can't do this I can't do this I can't do this!

I was pacing in front of the hospital. Clinching my fists tightly, most likely drawing blood. "Fuck it." I spoke quietly. Forcing myself to walk into the crowd of people that were standing around the busy hospital.

"Excuse me, where is Tyler Wilde staying?" I ask sweetly. The women smiles at me as she starts typing on her computer. "539 third floor." I nod and make my way to the elevator. Breathing heavily, I shake my body to get all the nerves out. Doesn't work though as I start to panic slightly. Soon the doors open and I walk out.

It wasn't nearly as busy up here as it was on the first floor. I count through the doors in my head but stop once I land on Tyler's room. Room 539.

I take a deep breath in before knocking, hearing a slight "Come in." From Tyler. His voice was so weak, tears threatened to spill from my eyes but I pushed them back and opened the door.

"Craig." Was all he had to say before I broke down. Tyler slowly opened his arms and I ran into them, sobbing uncontrollably and apologizing over and over again. "Shhhh, it's okay, you're fine, everything's fine." Tyler whispers to me well rubbing my back.

Finally, we pull away from each other. I sat on the edge of his bed beside him, wiping my eyes behind my glasses. Tyler and I chuckle, looking at each other for the first time in a year.

"I'm sorry I-" "don't you dare finish that sentence Craig." He grabs my hand making me flinch. He noticed this and looks at me with worry in his blue eyes. My lip quivers as he rubs small circles on my hand with his thumb.

"About the note I-" I cut Tyler off by holding my hand up. He looks at me with confusion. "I know Ty, I know how you feel towards me." His eyes widen and he lets go of my hand. I frown and move closer to him. "I love you too." His head shot up at me, eyes wide. I giggle and lay down next to him, he smiles and leans in, me doing the same. Just as our lips were about to touch the door opens causing me to pull away quickly.

"Hey Tyler look what we broug- uh what are you doing here?" Marcel asks, disgust lingering in his voice. I frown and look to Tyler. He grabs my hand from under the blanket. "Marcel who are you talking abou- ew the fuck? Who invited you?" Luaus says. One by one the guys all pile into the room, I already know where this is going.

I grip Tyler's hand slightly tighter, he just rubs circles with his thumb. "Get out of here, none of us want to see you after what you did." Evan says pointing to the door. I look to the door then to Tyler. He frowns as I let go of his hand and get up. "See you around Ty." I spoke softly before exiting the room.

It was pouring outside, badly. But I didn't care as I walked through it back to the hotel I was staying in.

I locked the door and slid down it, crying hard and hugging myself. My phone was going crazy with texts, most likely from Tyler but I ignored them as I got up and made my way to the bathroom.

(Trigger warning)

I grabbed my razor that I had brought with me, knowing I would need to do this. I pulled up the shove of my hoodie and began cutting over the older ones, making them worse. I clinched my teeth as I did it over, and over, and over again until there was nothing but blood to be seen. Some of it dripping down my arm to the floor. I sobbed out as I dropped the razor and fell to the ground. Crying uncontrollably and holding myself.

That's when I heard banging on the door. I panicked and quickly pulled my sleeves down covering the blood but only for a small amount of time. "Craig open this door!" Brock yelled. I quickly unlocked the door and opened it. Brock looked me up and down and walked in. He looked in the bathroom and that's when I forgot to close it.

He stared wide eyed at the floor then to me, tears spilling from my eyes as I placed a fake smile on my face. "Show me your arms." He demanded. I shook my head as I started panicking again. "Fucking show me Craig I'm not stupid!" I backed up from him slightly. His eyes softly as he steps closer to me. "Craig I only want to help." I slowly breath and pull my sleeves up. Brock gasps and walks over to me, holding my arm lightly. "Let me help you fix this." He says sweetly and walks into the bathroom and cleans my arms.

As he was doing this I vented to him, letting everything out as he was the only one I could tell. I didn't want Tyler knowing only cause I don't want to add to his stress.

"So you're telling me Sammy was making you say and do all those nasty things?" Brock asks. I nod as he stands up, having finished wrapping my arms and or treating any other wounds.

I stand up also, surprisingly though Brock hugs me. I hug back then pull away. "How did you know where I was staying?" I ask, realizing I hadn't told anyone where I was gonna be sleeping. "I followed you, you seemed quite upset earlier and I knew something was up." I just nod and walk out of the bathroom. "Are you gonna be okay to be on your own or do you want me to stay?" Brock asks. "Up to you, I don't trust myself either way." I replied. Brock hums and sits on the edge of the double bed. "As long as Brian doesn't find out I'm here it's good." I chuckle softly and sit beside him.

"Do you like Tyler?" I turn my head and widen my eyes a bit. "I-I guess." I answer back as I started playing with my hands. "Well you know how he feels about you, don't you?" I don't know if Tyler told them about the letter or not, I know exactly how Tyler feels about me. "I mean yeah I guess." I replied to him, my voice just above a whisper. He only hums in response and looks out the window.

"I'm gonna go to sleep, do whatever I don't really care." I told him. He nodded so I got under the covers and almost instantly I fell asleep.

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