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Showing a private conversation with Mini-V-Two and Tyler💗

Tyler💗: Craig?

Tyler💗: Craig please answer me.

Tyler💗: I know you're not okay.

Tyler💗: I wanna talk..

Tyler💗: Craig? Answer your phone.

Tyler💗 tried to
Call Mini-V-Two

Missed called from Tyler💗

Tyler💗: Craig?!

Tyler💗: What was Brock talking about in the chat?

Tyler💗: What's happening?

Mini-V-Two: Don't worry about it Tyler.

Mini-V-Two: Now what did you want to talk about?

Tyler💗: Don't lie to me Thompson.

Mini-V-Two: I'm fine Tyler.

Tyler💗: Brock made it pretty clear that you aren't.

Mini-V-Two: He doesn't know what he's talking about.

Tyler💗: Stop lying to me Craig, I'm not stupid. Just tell me what's happening and let me help you.

Mini-V-Two: I'm not gonna do that Tyler, you're in a fucking hospital because you tried to kill yourself! You have enough on your plate you don't need to worry about my problems too.

Tyler💗: But I want too, I want to worry about you. You mean to much to me Craig, you read the fucking letter you know damn straight how I feel about you. I'm not gonna sit here and let whatever is happening to you happen without putting up a fight.

Mini-V-Two: As sweet as that sounds Tyler I can't tell you.. Brock wasn't meant to find out but he did. He's helping me so you don't have to worry okay?

Tyler💗: Where are you?

Mini-V-Two: What?

Tyler💗: I asked where are you.

Mini-V-Two: Why are you asking?

Tyler💗: Just fucking answer the question Craig!

Mini-V-Two: Fine! I'm at the comfort inn on *random address*!

Tyler💗: What room?

Mini-V-Two: 222

Tyler💗: K

Tyler💗 has gone offline.

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