Dead End: Crowley #1

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You were walking home from a night out with friends.

It wasn't often you went out to be social, but when you did it consisted of lots of eating and dancing. You had a lot of fun, but were very ready to be back home in bed.

The night air was chilly, and you pulled your jacket tighter around you. You were deep in thought, thinking of the wine and book waiting for you at home, and before you realized it you hit a dead end street.

You groaned, ready to head back the opposite way and get home, when you heard footsteps.

You grabbed the hilt of your knife which sat snuggly in your boot, and whipped around.

There were two regular people, a girl and a boy, walking down the street smiling at you. For a split second you thought they may just be friendly strangers. Until they smiled and showed off their shiny fangs.

"What do you want?" You called out, trying to be brave.

"We're hungry, and you look like a good snack. Or maybe we'll keep you around. Your boyfriend really wouldn't like that, would be?" The girl said with a giggle.

They creeped closer and closer, backing you against the dead end.

"I can take you both on," you snarled, keeping up the totally not terrified facade.

"We'll see about that," the boy said.

Before he could launch himself at you, you heard the clap of boots hitting the asphalt, and everyone turned to see.......

The Winchesters.

Loaded with weapons they slowly walked towards you, threatening the vampires.

The vampires merely laughed, three more running up and charging at the brothers.

As the two vamps in front of you continued to stalk closer, you screamed. You definitely did not have this under control.

It was time for some backup.


You almost cried in relief when Crowley showed up behind the vampires, an angry look on his face.

"Well, this won't do," he said in that adorable accent of his, flicking his wrist and killing them.

You sighed in relief, sheathing your knife. You walked up to Crowley, slinging your arms around him. 

"Hello, love."

As you rested your head on his chest, he glared over at the Winchester boys who had long since finished off their vampires.

"You too, at best, are functional morons!"

"What?" Dean said, apparently unable to form a coherent thought as him and his brother just stared.

You broke away from Crowley, slipping your hand into his. You saw his famous eye roll and couldn't help but laugh.

Crowley smirked that little smirk of his, (a/n: funny that most of us can picture this perfectly) and waved at the brothers before snapping his fingers, transporting you home.

"Are you alright darling?"

You nodded, and leaned in to give him a sweet kiss.

"I love you," you said with a smile as he pulled you in closer.

"I love you more."

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