How You Met: Preference #1

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Bobby had called you in for a case that the boys couldn't take. A usual salt and burn, nothing special. You arrived at Bobby's a day after the Winchester's left to deal with something else.

You helped Bobby do some extra research before you went out. You were packing up the back of your black Comaro when you heard a car engine pull in behind you.

You were leaned over, digging through your trunk when you heard footsteps behind you and a cat call.

You sighed and turned around, putting your hands on your hips.

"Can I help you Winchesters?"

As they stood in shook at the fact I knew who they were, I got a good look at them. There was Dean, the shorter one, who no doubt had whistled at me. Then, there was Sam. Extremely tall, nice eyes. Damn, Bobby forgot to mention he was gorgeous.

Sam must have seen me seen me staring, because he cleared his throat before saying,

"Do we know you?"

I shook my head.

"No. But Bobby goes on and on about you."

"I most certainly do not." You turned and saw Bobby wheeling out.

You grinned and stole his cap of his head, sticking in on your own.

"Don't be ashamed Bobby Pin." You said with a laugh.

"I told you to stop callin me that, you idjit!"

Sam and Dean just watched you two, grins lighting up their faces.

"You forgot to mention he's hot, Bobby Pin." You said, swatting Bobby's hand away when he reached for his ball cap back.

"Why thank you." Dean said with a wink.

You laughed, putting your hands on my knees for support. You wiped tears from your eyes before responding.

"Wasn't talking to you Deany."

You winked at Sam and he grinned back.

"Oh. EW. Get a room. I can practically see you guys undressing each other with your eyes." Dean said, following Bobby back into his house.

You and Sam brought up the rear, and you chatted once you made your way into Bobby's house.

You had a lot in common.

Later that night, as you said goodnight to everyone, you stopped at Sam and whispered in his ear,

"Don't worry. I wasn't undressing you; much." You winked, and left Sam grinning, Dean rolling his eyes, and Bobby shaking his head.

And that, was how it began. 


You were tracking some vampires in a small town in Ohio.

You walked into another old fashioned, checker patterned floor diner to get some pie before going and taking the vampires out.

You were sitting on a bar stool when two men sat to the left of you. You were leafing through the journal your grandfather had given you and reading up on vampires. So at first you didn't notice when the one sitting right next to you said something.

"Hello? Lady?"

You lifted your head up and met the eyes of the stranger.

"Hello? Man?" You said sarcastically.

The stranger chuckled and started to say something but a waiter came over and asked me what I wanted.

"Dr. Pepper and a slice of your best pie." You said with a smile, before returning to your journal.

"So you like pie, huh?"

I sighed and looked at the stranger again.

"What kind of question is that?" You said, and the man sitting on the other side of the stranger chuckled.

"What do you got there?" The stranger asked after him and his friend ordered some food.

"A journal." You said absentmindedly as you waved down a waitress and asked if they had today's newspaper.

They didn't.

"Here." The second stranger, the taller one handed over a copy.

You thanked him and quickly scanned the from page headliners before moving to obituaries. You studied it for a minute before throwing it back at him. 

Your pie arrived, and you ate as you studied your journal. The vampires patterns weren't making any sense. And they had already killed 10 people. It was your job to fix this and you were failing.

You growled in frustration and slammed the book shut. You shoved it away from you and grabbed the glass of Dr.Pepper you ordered, chugging it down.

You looked over to find both of them staring at you.

"What?" You asked them, annoyed at everything.

"Having a bad day?" The shorter one asked.

"It's just, people are counting on me to do this, and I can't! I'm failing." You set your head on the table.

"Look, you seem like a good person, I'm sure your trying the best you can." The taller said.

You sighed and lifted your head up, staring into the eyes of the two strangers before you spoke.

"Terrible things happen to good people every day. Consequentially I am not one of the good people. I am one of the terrible things."

You met the gaze of the shorter one. The one with the green apple eyes.

They just stared at you, their eyes a mix of pity, pain, and curiosity.

You shook your head sadly.

"Never mind. You wouldn't understand. Well, gotta go chop off some heads." You said, setting a 10 on the counter and slipping off the seat.

As you made it to the door you heard the shorter one call,

"What did you just say?"

You smiled.

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you."  You winked and left the diner, climbing into your old beat up truck and driving off.

"Damn. Sammy, I'm finding that girl, and I'm taking her out." Dean said, appreciatively.

Sam just laughed, and they took off to follow you.

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