Mistake: Dean x Reader Part 1

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I used the pronouns she/her to make writing this Imagine easier xx

"Now you can just go back to your normal, perfect life." Dean sneered, staring at the girl in front of him.

He saw a sad, lost young woman, but he was blinded with frustration and anger.

"Are you fucking kidding me, Dean? My normal, boring life has been anything but perfect." She spit back, anger surging through her veins.

"Oh, did your boyfriend not call back? Have a rough day at work?" He snapped.

"Dean-" Sam tried to cut in again, but she interrupted.

"Stop patronizing me!" She screamed back, eyes blazing.

"Dean-" Sam tried again but this time it was Dean who interrupted.

"Sorry that you have a 'rough life' while me and Sammy actually doing something with ours. At least we are making something of ourselves. At least we're worth something."

The words left his mouth, and the girl sucked in a breath.

The fire left her eyes, but he didn't notice.

She slammed the door shut in his face, not wanting him to see the tears falling down her face.

She could hear muffled talking through the door, but couldn't make out any words.

"Dude! Are you fucking kidding me right now?"

Dean blinked in surprise at Sam's language; he'd never spoken to him like that before.

"What? I didn't do shit! We saved her life and she's complaining about her perfect 'picket-fence' life." Dean defended.

"You're such an asshole. Did you see her arms?" Sam asked with a heavy glare.

Dean shook his head.

"No? Why would I be looking at-" Dean stopped, finally picking up.

"No...really? Oh shit." Dean cursed as the weight of his nasty mistake hit him.

"Shit." He cursed again, pounding on her locked door.

"(Y/N)! Open up!" He bellowed.

She ignored him, clicking into place all 4 locks on her door.

She trudged through her small house, making it to the bathroom.

She shut her bathroom door and locked it as well.

She could barely hear the pounding on the front door, as her ears were ringing.

All she saw was sadness and despair and no return.

So she opened her medicine cabinet, got what she needed, and climbed into the bath tub.

She popped open the round, orange container.

"One for the pain;

Two for a con;

Three for the gain;

Four for a yawn;"

She hummed this melody to herself as she swallowed pill after pill.

She leaned back into the tub, a numbness settling over her.

The boys broke into the bathroom just as the empty, orange container slipped from her numb fingers.

"No.....NO!" Dean yelled as he and Sam rushed to her aid.

"You were right, Dean." Her voice was slow and quiet.

"I am worthless."

Dean shook his head.

"No, you're not. Sam, DO SOMETHING!" He cries out.

Sam picked up the bottle she'd dropped.

"Shit." He cursed, panicking.

He turned the shower on, setting it on cold.

It soaked her and Dean to the bone, but he didn't seem to mind as he held her hands.

"I am worthless." She mumbled again, eyes dropping.

"No! I'm sorry that I ever said that (y/n).....I was just frustrated! I actually like you a lot, okay? So you gotta keep your eyes open. For me." Dean pleaded.

"I am worthless Dean, you don't need me."

Sam was calling an ambulance, and she was shivering under the cold water. She looked to Dean, and drops of water were clinging to his eyelashes.

He was very beautiful, and she would've loved to love him.

She told him so, and he squeezed onto her hands even tighter.

"You're not worthless." Dean cried one last time, and she smiled. A grim and haunting picture that would become seared into the back of Dean's eyelids; creeping up on him every time he closed his eyes.

"You're right Dean."

He breathed a sigh of relief, but it was short lived as she spoke again.

"I was worthless."

Her eyes fell shut, and her heart stopped beating.

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