Funeral Love: Gabriel x Reader Part 1

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You'd met him in the most unconventional way possible.

At a funeral.

It was a distant relatives funeral, one you'd seen maybe 10.....12 years ago. But you'd felt obliged to go. It was a rather terrible idea, as you were now quite sad.

You were standing in the graveyard, watching as everyone crowded around the giant hole in the ground. They were lowering the casket down, and you watched from across the yard, sitting on a cold bench of stone.

You suddenly felt a presence beside you, but you kept your gaze straight. You no longer felt the cold November air, your skin feeling mysteriously warm.

You turned to your mysterious companion, and was met with eyes, golden as honey. And you loved honey.

"This is depressing." The honey man said, licking his lips. His gaze flicked around the graveyard, but you kept your eyes on him.

You nodded, finally tearing your gaze from him.

"It is, isn't it? Rather sad. I don't appreciate it." You said, crossing your arms.

The honey man snorted.

"Why come then, Hun?"

You shrugged.


He nodded, seeming to understand.

"I best be off, Hun. Got to lead his sorry soul off to heaven." Said the honey man. He kissed your cheek and was suddenly gone.

You hummed to yourself.

"What a strange turn of events."


Now, nearly a year later, you were swinging in a hammock. On some mysterious island you couldn't remember the name of. Wrapped in the golden wings of your honey man.

"Gabe?" You looked into the golden eyes that watched you oh so carefully.


"We have to head home. I promised Bobby I'd make him dinner."

Gabe groaned, burying his face into your curly brown hair.

"Can't we stay here a bit longer?" He pleaded.

You giggled, reluctantly leaving the warmth of Gabriel's arms.

"Come on." You pulled him off the hammock and with a poof you were back in Bobby's living room.

"Go on, Gabe. I know you have to leave." You said, wrapping your arms around his neck.

"Wish I could stay." He whispered, kissing you softly. You smiled into the kiss and pulled away with a giggle.

"I'll see you again tomorrow, Trickster. Don't miss me too much." You have him another quick kiss before heading to Bobby's kitchen.

You began humming as you started preparing spaghetti and meatballs. Cooking the noodles, rolling the meatballs.

You were expecting the boys to be home any minute, just in time to eat.

You hardly noticed the time slipping by, and you didn't even realize when an hour had past since they were due back.

You didn't blink an eye at the sudden quiet that fell across the night, or that familiar electrifying feeling in the air.

No, it wasn't until you heard a bang on the front door did you realize something was wrong.

But by then it was too late. And as a dagger was pushed through your stomach and a single drop of blood fell from your lips, only one thought went through your mind.

'What about my honey man?'

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