My King: Crowley x Reader

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Warning: gets a lil sexy at the end (what do you expect, it's Crowley?) but no smut

There were two things in the world you really loved; Crowley and gowns. Every since you were a little girl, you loved dressing up and sweeping around the house in ball gowns and fluffy dresses. They made you feel graceful and beautiful and elegant.

And to this day, as queen of hell, they still did.

And when you told Crowley of your love for them, he promised you any gown you could ever want. You loved him so much that day, and he certainly wasn't complaining with the reward he got that night.

So everyday you wore a different dress of your choice, no matter what you were up to that day. You felt like a true queen, and you loved it.

When you began to run low on new options, Crowley gave you a credit card and sent you up to the surface to go shopping for the day.

It was one of those days. He had king business to attend to all day, and he knew just how much you loved going shopping. He sent 2 of his most patient demons with you, just in case someone tried to stir up trouble.

He was expecting you to pick up some nice, innocent dresses. Boy was he wrong.

You skipped down the rows of gowns swathed in protective bags. Shop assistants scurried after you, arms full of black dresses. You were in an especially hell-ish mood today, so you going for a matching color palette.

You spent hours trying them all on, making your guard demons give opinions. They agreed that every single one would make the king weak in the knees, and you nodded in satisfaction. That was your goal after all.

After an entire days worth of shopping, you were back in hell. You inhaled the familiar smell of cinnamon and blood and sighed happily.

"Will you tell my King to come see me in our chambers after his business?" You asked one of your guards.

The demon nodded and scurried away, and the other one helped carry all of your new garments to the room.

As you waited for your king, you studied each of the dresses, trying to decide what was best for tonight. Your king had been stressed lately, and you wanted to help him.....relax a bit.

You finally decided on the perfect one. You slipped it on and pulled your hair into a bun, dabbing on some makeup.

You sat on the edge of Crowley's bed and daintily crossed your ankles. You put an innocent look on your face and waited.

You didn't have to wait long; you soon heard footsteps nearing the door

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You didn't have to wait long; you soon heard footsteps nearing the door.

You pursed your lips slightly as Crowley walked in.

"My day was-" He stopped as he caught sight of you. His eyes widened and jaw dropped.

You stood up and walked slowly over to him, watching his eyes darken with lust.

"Did my poor king have a rough day?" You cooed, stopping right in front of him.

You leaned in and whispered in his ear.

"You wanna take your frustrations out?"

He grabbed your face and kissed you passionately.

He pulled away and began kissing your neck, growling as you moaned.

"You did this on purpose." He whispered, his voice husky.

You smirked, but said nothing as he kissed down your chest.

He pushed you back onto the bed and you undid the top of your dress.

He climbed on top of you and began marking you as his.

"Remind me to let you go shopping more often." He said with a gleam in his eyes.

"Anything for you, my king." You whispered softly.

Crowley growled, and the rest of the night was spent in pleasure.

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