Sharing: Crowley x Reader Part 1

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You were walking down the street, your headphones in. You were blaring Kat Dahlia's 'Gangster'. It was probably your favorite song. The lyrics just really struck home.

You matched your pace to the beat of the song,  a habit of yours.

As you walked past a bar, a large group of men walked out and noticed you. You heard their footsteps as they started walking towards you.

You slid your headphones down to your neck and turned towards them.

"Can I help you?" Your voice was soft but full of venom. You knew their type.

"Aye can you help us?" One asked, bumping shoulders with the rest of his crew.

They stared at you greedily. You subconsciously pulled your leather jacket tighter. You were wearing a long sleeved back dress that went down to your knees.

You crossed your arms and shook your head.

"No. Now leave me alone." You said, turning back around. You were about to get back into your music when a cold hand grabbed onto your shoulder.

You stopped cold, and the world seemed to disappear as you flashed back.

|"Stop it dad!" You screamed, pulling him off your mother. He slapped you, sending you sprawling to the floor. "Your next." He hissed as he turned back to the cowering woman on the floor.|

The world flashed back to the present, and the clammy hand was still on your shoulder.

Letting her take over for a moment, you grabbed his hand before flipping him over your shoulder to the ground in front of you.

His friends stopped laughing and the man on the ground stared up at you in horror.

"Your e-e-eyes." He stuttered. You immediately stashed her back inside carefully, mentally thanking her.

"Leave me alone." You said again. The man scrambled up and joined his friends. They all gave you a lasting look before heading back into a different bar.

You looked around the dark street to see if anyone noticed. Nothing stood out except a man in the building across from where you stood. He was by the window, watching you. He wore a black suit with a red flower in the front pocket, but part of his face was hidden behind a curtain so you couldn't get a good look at his face.

She itched at you, trying to get your attention. But you were too bust staring intently at the man. There was something different about him.

She managed to get one word through to you.

'Leave' She whispered in your head.

You shook your head, looking back up to the window. The man was gone.

You shrugged, slipping your headphones back on and hitting play on your phone.

Half an hour later, you had finally made it to the hotel room you were currently staying in. You touched the door handle and it unlocked. You threw your bag on the floor and flopped on the bed, staring at the cheap ceiling.

You had almost fallen asleep right then and there, but she mentally shook you awake.

You sat up straight, hissing and asking her what was wrong. As if on cue, the lights started flickering before going off completely.

You snapped your fingers, flipping the power back on.

"So it is true."

You flipped around at the new voice. And there was the same man from the window.

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