Prom: Charlie x Reader

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For all my fellow Charlie lovers xx

You ran your fingers through the racks, admiring the soft materials and fabrics.

"This is stupid." You said, turning towards your brothers.

Sam and Dean rolled their eyes.

"You know it's the only way. If you wanna go undercover, you have to fit in. Plus, isn't dress shopping supposed to be fun?" Dean asked, sitting down on a couch outside the changing rooms.

You sighed. You were 24, and you had to go prom dress shopping.

"Whatever. I'm gonna go try these on." You held up a couple gowns the attendant had helped you pick out.

Sam nodded and sat down beside Dean.

You locked the changing room door behind you, taking a deep breath.

You tried on dress after dress, all of them being turned down by either you or your brothers.

Finally, only one remained.

"You almost done in there?" Dean yelled.

"Shut up Dean! This is the last one!" You called back.

You gently slipped the red dress from the hanger, running your fingertips over the velvety texture.

You slipped into the dress, zipping the back up.
You admired yourself in the mirror, pleasantly surprised at what you saw.

It had a fitted top, and the skirt had some black netting underneath, puffing the bottom out a bit which came down just below your knees.

You loved it, and it fit perfectly.

You took a deep breath before opening the door and stepping out to the viewing area.

You stood up onto the pedestal surrounded by mirrors. You did a little spin.

"It's about time! Jeez what took you-" Dean started, but stopped as him and Sam got a view of the dress

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"It's about time! Jeez what took you-" Dean started, but stopped as him and Sam got a view of the dress.

"Woah." Dean said, his jaw wide open.

You blushed as your brothers stared at you in admiration.

"You look gorgeous, (y/n)." Sam said, smiling at you. Dean nodded, unable to keep a smile off his face as well.

"Now you have a dress. Who are you going with? You can go with me or Sammy, no one knows who we are and-"

"Actually, I already have someone to go with me." You cut Dean off, tucking your hair behind your ears.

The boys' smiles dropped, and they narrowed their eyes in suspicion.

"Who?" Dean asked.

You shrugged, your cheeks turning pink.

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