Grandma's House: Dean x Reader

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"Any cases today?" You asked Sam with a mouth full of chocolate chip pancakes.

You were all sitting in Bobby's kitchen eating breakfast. Sam shook his head. He made the mistake of glancing at Dean. He had his mouth stuffed with bacon.

"Ew, Dean!" Sam complained. You rolled your eyes. Such children.

"Wfut?" Dean said, spitting bits of bacon out. Which made Sam yell again.

"(Y/N)! Tell your boyfriend to stop!" He whined.

You slapped Deans shoulder and said," need pancakes too!" Sam groaned, making you laugh.

Dean swallowed his mouthful of food and leaned towards you. He gave you a quick kiss and after he pulled away, you licked your lips.

"Mmmm......bacon." You said with a sly grin.

"What are you idjits doing today?" Bobby asked as he walked in, heading straight for the whiskey. You ignored his drink of choice and answered.

"I was hoping to go visit my grandma. She has farm a couple hours away, and I haven't been there in years." You said, biting your lip.

Sam nodded. "Sounds good." You grinned and fist-pumped.


An hour later you were on the road. You listened to music and discussed directions with the boys as Dean drove. 4 hours later, you pulled into a driveway in the middle of no where.

You jumped out of the car, and immediately a dog came running over.

"Mags!" You shrieked happily. You knelt down, scratching behind her ears. Sam and Dean got out of the car and looked around.

There was a bunch of hills, surrounded by woods. Fruit trees littered the giant yard, and a garage sat to the left. To the right was a brick, two story house. You stood up again.

"Come on guys. My grandma will love you." You knocked on the door, and an elderly lady answered.

"Grandma!" You hugged her gently.

"Aw! Look how much you've grown! Come in!" Your grandma exclaimed. You pointed to the buys behind you.

"This is Sam and Dean Winchester." After introductions were through, you all followed her into the kitchen.

The scent of something delicious filled the air and you saw Dean lick his lips.

"Is that pie?" Dean asked, voicing his hopes.

Your grandma chuckled before answering.

"Yup. Pecan pie. My speciality!"

Dean eyes widened, causing you to chuckle.

"Um, excuse me ma'm." Sam started.

"Please. Call me Berry." Your grandma insisted, using her maiden name.

"Is that a Devils trap?" Sam asked, in disbelief, pointing to the kitchen ceiling. She looked up and nodded.

"Of course. Don't want a demon sneaking up on me when I'm making my pies do we?" She said. As if it was obvious.

"She....?" Dean tried to ask.

"Knows? Yep. Where do you think I got my skills?" You said with a chuckle.

"Got a tattoo too. But to see that, you gotta buy me some Whiskey first." Your grandma said, hobbling over to check on her pies.

Sam's face made you burst out into laughter.

Dean just grinned and laid an arm around your shoulders.

"I love her already."

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