Not Normal: Garth #1

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You weren't normal.

You didn't have a traditional upbringing, you never lived a normal life.

You didn't know the definition of boring, never had a mundane day in your life.

You never went to college, something you thought about a lot. You graduated high school with honors, yet before you could move onto the next step the supernatural life pulled you away.

Sometimes you wondered what could have happened if you'd gone. You loved school. Who would you have become? What would you be doing now?

You never got the chance to find out. Hunting had taken priority over everything. And how could you object? How could you turn away from people who needed you?

You started out hunting with Bobby, who eventually sent you to hunt with the Winchesters. Those damn brothers would be dead without you. But those damn brothers were also the people who introduced you to Garth.

The first time you met Garth, you were skeptical. To be fair, he insisted that he killed the tooth fairy. But he slowly grew on you, and now you laid in the arms of the puppet loving hunter, watching That 70's Show on his swaying boat house.

Garth chuckled at a cheesy joke and you smiled at the beautiful sound. The episode ended and you flipped the tv off, starting to get up off the couch. But Garth latched his arms around your waist, pulling you back into the couch with him.

"Garthhh," you whined, trying to get up.

"Yes?" He buried his face in your hair and kissed your neck.

"I need to go make dinner," you tried and failed to keep the smile off your face.

Apparently not caring for dinner, he continued to pepper your neck with kisses, making you giggle.

"Come on," you pulled him up off the couch.

"So......dinner?" He smirked, raising an eyebrow as he leaned in and started kissing down your jawline.

"Garth! Do you want dinner or not?"

He held his hands up in surrender. "Alright boss! Dinner it is."

You rolled your eyes but couldn't keep the smile off your face.

An hour later you and Garth sat on the deck, eating spaghetti and sipping Pepsi. You joked back and forth, swaying lightly with the boat. You finished eating and set your plates down on the porch. You scooted over to Garth and laid your head down in his lap.

He started running his fingers through your hair, making you smile in content.

The slight breeze felt amazing after the long and hot summer day, and the stars shone brightly.

In that moment, with Garth and the beautiful sky, you weren't bothered by what you didn't have or hadn't done.

You were enjoying the things you did have, and the things you were doing.

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