Shut Up Sammy: Sam x Reader

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"Shut up Sammy." You snapped as you picked yourself up from the floor. You had charged at a vampire only to trip and face plant. Dean quickly took care of the vamp while Sam chuckled at your predicament.

Sam offered you a hand up, but you smacked it away, getting up on your own.

You brushed yourself off before walking back out to the impala, grumbling under your breathe. You were not very graceful.

Instead of jumping into the backseat like you usual did, you slid into the front. Dean got into the drivers seat with a smirk on his face as Sam stood outside the car, confused.

"You get the back, Sammy. I'm always sitting back there. My turn to sit up here with Dean." You declared. He rolled his eyes but climbed into the back, slamming the door shut.

Dean pulled away from the now deserted warehouse and started towards your current motel.

You fought with Sam almost the whole way back. He kept impersonating you falling on your face. At one point Dean got so sick of your loud banter that he blared some rock music. Your arguing ceased as you became more interested in singing the songs with Dean.

You were the first one out of the car, skipping to your motel door. You slid the key in and jumped onto your bed, sighing in relief.

You watched the boys come in after you and lock the door behind them.

"Takeout?" You suggested with a grin.

"Ew." Sam's face scrunched up in distasteful as he spoke.

If you weren't so hungry it would've been cute.

"Shut up Sammy."

"Burgers." Dean said.

"Wow, didn't see that one coming." You said with a roll of your eyes.

You grabbed your wallet and phone, sliding them into your back pockets.

"I'll go grab some grub." You said, heading for the door.

"Got your stuff?" Dean asked.

You nodded and held up your necklace. A couple charms lined the silver chain. A mini mason jar filled with holy water, an anti-possession charm, and a key made of silver.

"You should take a gun!" Sam yelled as you walked out the door.

"Shut up Sammy!" You shouted back as the door shut behind you.

You hummed to yourself as you walked down the street. The sun was setting, making the sky a beautiful mix of pink and orange.

There were a few stray people walking around but overall the town was quiet, mind the cars speeding by. You passed a bank, the sign stating the time was 6:30p.m.

You were turning around a corner when you blinked and suddenly only saw black. You stumbled, feet catching on the uneven pavement. You face planted again, or at least you thought you did. Everything was black.

You jolted up, your vision back to normal. You picked yourself up off the damp ground and looked around in confusion. The bank sign said 7p.m. and you paled.

What the hell had happened for half an hour?

"I must've knocked myself out." You mumbled to yourself, rubbing your achey head. You continued on, a bit quicker now.

You finally made it back to the motel, an hour later.

"Took you long enough." Sam groaned as you dropped a salad in his lap.

"Shut up Sammy." You threw the rest of the food at Dean.

You slumped down into a chair across from the boys as they ate. Your head was still pounding.

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