Hide & Seek: Jared x Reader

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this isn't spn, but I couldn't get the idea out of my head xx

"Don't you remember what happened last time we did this?" You asked Jared as you walked into the local Walmart.

You were a bit distracted. You had an announcement you needed to tell Jared. You just weren't sure how to tell him yet.

"Of course! That security guard was so mad!" He chuckled.

"So why are we doing it again?" You asked after finally getting your laughter under control.

He was about to respond when a young woman came up to you.

"Excuse me, are you Jared Padalicki?"

"No, sorry. But I get that a lot." He said, shrugging.

She blushed and apologized before walking away.

The moment she was gone you burst into laughter.

"What are you glaring at, Padalicki?" This sent you into another laughing fit.

Eventually you stopped laughing, and met Jared's gaze.

"You ready?" He asked, excited.

"I'll count to 20!" You said, closing your eyes.

You heard Jared's loud footsteps thundering away as you counted in your head.

Once you got to 20 you opened your eyes before heading on your way. You peeked in isle after isle, before walking around aimlessly. You were stuck in your head, thinking about the news you had yet to tell Jared.

You weren't worried. You'd been with Jared for 3 years, and you were sure he'd love this announcement.

You heard a familiar whistling, which was the signal that you were close.

If you couldn't find Jared, at least you could see some fish.

You were looking through a tank when you burst out laughing. On the other side of the tanks was a certain giant hiding among the books.

You creeped around the fish, creeping up behind him. You jumped onto his back, shrieking.

"I found you!"

Jared jumped and almost dropped you.

He grinned.

"Damn your good."

You smiled smugly.

"Your turn." He said as you jumped off his back.

You were walking briskly past the baby section when you saw a onesie that caught your eye.

You suddenly had an idea, and you grabbed everything you needed before sitting down at the end of an isle and waiting for Jared.

10 minutes later, you saw Jared walk past the isle. You whistled, and you saw him slowly retrace his steps before spotting you on the ground.

"Hey! I found you pretty easily! You should have...." He trailed off as he noticed what you had laid on your stomach.

His breath seemed to catch and he looked to your eyes as if for confirmation.

You smiled up at him and nodded. He pulled you up and kissed you passionately.

Neither of you noticed, but a couple people walking past you two stopped in awe of the scene before them.

They stopped and smiled at the cute couple holding a, 'Daddy's Little Girl' onsie in a baby section at a Walmart.

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