Charlie: Sam x Reader

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Every month on the 20th, you and Sam would disappear for a day.

If you were on a case, it would simply wait until you got back.

Every month Dean asked where you guys went, and you gave him different answers every month.

Sometimes it was, "We're going to work out." Or "We're going for a run."

He'd always just roll his eyes and wave us out of the bunker.

This month, nothing changed. It was the 20th of October and the air was getting colder.

Bundled in jeans and sweaters and scarves, you and Sam left the bunker.

You tapped the window as Sam drove.

"Are you nervous?" He asked.

You shrugged.

Sam stayed silent, urging you on.

"Dean isn't going to keep letting us go without a proper answer. And you know that's not going to work." You finally caved, voicing your concerns.

Sam reached over the seat and grasped your hand in his.

"It'll be ok. We'll tell him if we need too. He'll understand." He reassured you.

You gave him a smile, but inside you were a giant ball of anxiety.

Sam must've seen right through it, for he squeezed your hand.

You just stared out the window, awaiting your arrival.

Finally, Sam pulled up.

You jumped out of the car and grabbed Sam's hand. You practically dragged Sam into he building and was immediately greeted.

"Hey (y/n)! Hey Sam!" The girl piped up. Her name tag read 'Maggie', and you smiled fondly at your friend.

"Hey Mags. Anyone new this month?" You asked, squeezing Sam's arm in anticipation.

She nodded, hair bobbing in her ponytail.

"We got a whole litter last week!" She exclaimed, leading you to the back.

You followed her eagerly, Sam in tow.

She opened up the door to the back room and you squealed the moment you stepped in.

"Feel free to name them!" She said happily as she watched your face light up.

Small bunches of fur curled up in a giant pile, and ears perked up as Mags left you and Sam to have your monthly fun.

You kneeled to the floor and patted your legs, calling the little bundles of joy.

The little lab puppies came trotting over, tongues out and tails wagging.

You laughed in delight as they jumped all over you, licking your face and nipping at your fingers.

You felt all the anxiety and depression that had been building up in the past month disappear.

You set a couple in your lap, and one on your shoulder where he bit at your long hair.

"Sam, these are the cutest puppies I've ever seen." You said, tearing up.

A particularly small puppy jumped onto your lap and nestled into your shirt

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A particularly small puppy jumped onto your lap and nestled into your shirt.

"Are you crying?" Sam asked, setting a hand on your shoulder.

You watched as the puppy let out a yawn and close their eyes.

You nodded, overwhelmed at the extreme cuteness.

"They're just so cute!" You cried, letting Sam rub your back soothingly.

He sat beside you and scooped a puppy up.

"How about we name them? Mags said we could, so let's do it!" He proposed.

You nodded, wiping tears away.

"Ok. Um, let's start with that one." You pointed to a particularly curious puppy, who was exploring and sniffing everything new.

You and Sam both looked to each and at the same time said, "Cas".

You giggled, giving Cas a scratch on his ear.

Sam pointed to 2 puppies who were wrestling, biting each other's ears.

"Crowley and Dean!" You blurted out before he could say anything.

You and Sam had to take a 10 minute break, as you both couldn't stop laughing.

Sam picked one of the puppies up, and he immediately started licking Sam's face, eager to please.

"Garth." Sam announced, making you smile.

Finally, only puppy remained; the one sitting on your shoulder.

You carefully set her on the ground, and watched as she fought off her brothers.

The only girl, she was definitely the leader of the group.

And suddenly you had the perfect name.

"Charlie." Sam's smile faltered for only a minute, and he pulled you into a hug.

Charlie had been one of your closest friends, and losing her had almost broken you for good.

There was no better name for this adorable puppy in front of you.

"I wish we could take her home." You sniffled into Sam's shoulder.

"I know babe."

You watched as Charlie jumped onto your lap, itching her chin on your arm.

You smiled down at the adorable thing, and scratched her chin for her.

"It's about time to go, love." Sam said softly.

You nodded and pulled away from his embrace, giving him a quick kiss.

You scooped Charlie into your arms and kissed the top of her head.

"Bye baby." You cooed to the ball of fur.

"I'll be back to see you again I promised."

You set her down with her brothers, and as you and Sam got up to leave she started crying, pawing at your feet.

You started crying even more, and Sam had to lead you out and back to the car.

You cried the rest of that day, and the rest of your week you moped around.

Little did you know, that Sam had been to the shelter without you, setting things up.

Now, he just waited. Waited for the perfect moment to give you the perfect gift.


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