Just Dance: Castiel x Reader

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"HONEY, I'M HOME!" You shrieked, walking into the bunker with a couple heavy bags in your arm.

You stood still for a moment, expecting Dean to pop out of his room and scold you for yelling. But it was quiet.

"DEAN? CAS? SAM?" You yelled out.

Finally you heard footsteps, and the gorgeous face of Castiel popped out from a doorway.

"You're back." He stated with a smile, embracing you.

"Yes, my angel." You giggled, kissing him lightly on the lips.

"What did you buy?" He asked, grabbing the heavy bags and setting them on the dinning table.

You smirked.

"Just something to keep us busy. Where are Sam and Dean?" You asked, grabbing a couple items from the bags and moving to the living room.

"Sam said they had a case, but Dean just winked at me......so I do not know."

You rolled your eyes but secretly you were pleased. Finally some quality time with your angel.

"This might take a while, Cas. But it'll be worth it." You smiled at him, sitting criss cross in front of the tv.

Castiel watched on as you worked on attaching the white electronic to the tv.

Sensing your frustration as 15 minutes passed by and you weren't any closer to being done, he sat behind you and started running his fingers through your hair.

He knew it calmed you down, and you instantly relaxed.

20 minutes later, everything was set up. You stood up, pulling Cas with you.

"It's done!" You exclaimed.

You slid a disk in, and threw a white remote at Cas. It hit him in the face before landing in his arms.

You giggled at his confused face as he picked the remote up.

You hit start, the screen lighting up in color and sound.

White block letters spelt Just Dance, and dance music pounded loudly from the speakers.

"You ready?" You asked Cas excitedly as you picked a song, and the beginning notes started.

"What do I do?" He asked.

"Just do the same dances moves as the people on screen. And hold onto your remote!" You said, as 'It's Raining Men!' Started playing.

You spun and swirled and danced around, Cas eventually getting into the spirit, attempting to follow the screens instructions.

You won the round, and decided to play a few more.

Both of you exhausted and sweaty, you decided on one more song.

"You pick, Cas." You said, taking deep breaths.

His brows furrowed in concentration as he studied the choices.

He finally decided on a Kesha song, and you couldn't help but laugh as he choose to be the giant panda bear.

"Guess I'm Kesha." You said, smiling at Cas.

You danced around with Cas, and at one point, your screen dancer jumped on top of Cas' characters back.

You turned to Castiel, yelled "YOLO!" And jumped onto his back.

He nearly fell, but somehow managed to stay upright.

Instead of jumping down and continuing the dance, you just stayed up on Cas's back as he danced around.

You both were so busy in your own little world that you didn't even notice Sam and Dean arrive.

You didn't notice them smiling at the both of you, happy that their two closest friends were happy. You didn't notice them smirk and wink at each other before leaving to each other's rooms, happy to leave the two of you be.

You were both laughing and smiling as he spun you around the room. He kissed your hands and you ruffled his hair. And you'd never been happier.

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