CHAPTER TWO- Zhan, come with me..

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A café near Lan University.

"Excuse, is there is a booking by Wang Xichen?" Jiang Cheng as a stuff in the café.

"Please wait sir"

After checking the receptionist confirm the order and ask him to follow her.

It's not like a ordinary café. It's like cubicles. Each table is as separated as a room.

The receptionist shows a door infront of her as ask him to go inside.

It's a dark room.

Jiang Cheng freeze out his magic and raise is right hand and show it a sprout a flame on his hand.

Jiang Cheng freeze out his magic and raise is right hand and show it a sprout a flame on his hand

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He can clearly see the table with some food items and that too his favourite. He check out all the corners.

Suddenly someone hug him from back.

"Happy Birthday"

"Thank you" jiang Cheng replied.

"you are still late" Xichen pouted.

"Don't show me that face. .. actually I was at orphanage with my brother. I ask him to take over."

"oh, .. still. Come.. let's have food"


Xichen turn on all lights and make him sit comfortably.

"then.. how was the day a-cheng" Xichen ask.

"You.. don't call me like that... okay.." jiang Cheng show an anger face.

"Aw,, aw.. baby. Don't scare me. I was just asking know"

"hmmm.... It was good. Actually.. not that good I should say"

"what happened?"

" my brother is upset over something. He wanted to gift me his campaign trophy as my birthday present. Though he got it, he is not happy. This is the first time I am seeing him this disappointed"

"He won and still he is not happy?"

"He is saying that his opponent give him to take the trophy. He gave up on it"

"oh.. it's a part of match I guess. He might have tired"

"Yea may be"

" actually baby, I have planned for a drive but I don't think I can do it today. My brother got with something. He might didn't talk to parents. So I will leave after a hour"

"its okay, I can't wish you to be here with me for twenty four hours" jinag Cheng said and they continue eating.

After some time they finish it their dinner and left to respective home.

✨OBLIGATION ✨(Yizhan)(Not Edited)Where stories live. Discover now