CHAPTER FIVE- Grandma Sean

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Shuǐjīng dòng.( Crystal cave)

"Zhan,... please wake up. Don't play with me." Yibo cried to the one on his arms.

The latter was not giving any response to him. Yibo feel helpless at the moment. The cave is in an isolated place where no other can be see.

He take Zhan in bridal style and walk out of the cave. He know that call out for someone in here is useless. So he place Zhan near to some rocks and go near the river and take some water and try to make Zhan conscious.

But Zhan was not getting his consciousness.

Suddenly someone came out of no where.

"Are you the one who need help?" the voice ask.

"who are you?!" Yibo got panic as he guess that Zhan is the prince Sean so no one will be safe around Zhan and Zhan is also no safe from others as they all need the transfer power.

"I am Wen Ning"

"Wens... no it's not possible. Wens all are dead" Yibo said.

" yea .. you are right. Now the Wens are no where. 23 years ago whole my family have been destroyed. Some how my jie take me and run out of our mansion and we reach here. As you might be know we have healing power. We can help the one in your arms" wen Ning described.

"But.. but how do you know we are here?!"

"An old lady came and ask me to come here and she also said that someone need help. That's why I rush here. If you don't mind take him to our house. We can treat him." Wen Ning said.

Yibo who was not so satisfied by the words look into wen ning's mind and read it. From that Yibo get to know that all that this man is telling is true.

Yibo nodded and carry Zhan to the boat. Wen Ning also accompanied them in boat. He chose to ride the boat.

After ten minutes. They reach a island like place in between river. There is a small hut in there. From there Yibo can smell some kinds of plants.

Wen Ning stop the boat on thr bank of the island and ask Yibo to take Zhan to their hut.

Yibo carefully take Zhan in his arms and place inside the hut.

"what happened a-ning" a lady come and ask.

"Jie, he need help. Please"

" how can we help some random people"

"Ms. Please help him. It's just he got shocked by something. Please help us" Yibo cried.

" who are you. What's your family name and his too?" the lady ask.

"I am Wang's and he is jiang's"

"oh... okay.. let me check him" the lady said.

The lady come near Zhan and check her s pulse. She take out some medicine and place in oh Zhan's forehead.

"Mr. Wang, he is alright. As you have said it's just a minor shock" the lady said.

"Thank you.. ms....."

"Wen Qing"

"thank you ms.wen" Yibo said and sit near Zhan.

"when will he get consciousness"

"He will be wake in any minutes" wen Qing said and go out with his brother.

Yibo take Zhan's arm and hold it securely.

✨OBLIGATION ✨(Yizhan)(Not Edited)Where stories live. Discover now