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Crystal Cave.

"Relax Zhan..." Yibo come near Zhan and side hug him. Zhan turn and hug him back.

For Zhan it was not an expected thing that happen. For him, he is an ordinary human who is well known because of his career. He was expecting a normal life with his family and loved ones. The thing that first go through his mind was why his powe is not similar to that of his family. The colour emitting from his power was red but in his family all others power emit a purple varients.

Zhan look up with an helpless face. For Yibo it's was so hard to see his crush or his one sided love with that face. He rub Zhan's back and that give Zhan some relaxation.

"Zhan.. are you okay?" Zhan nodded.

" You want to be happy Zhan. Your power is one of the rarest form and it's as powerful as a well trained magical man's for centuries." Yibo said all that he know about their King's power. For whole world Sean powers was vanished. But now that the power is here Yi bo was happy and sad at same moment.

When he fall for Zhan he thought he will protect Zhan till the end. Now that Zhan is as powerful as him and at the same time he is Sean's. No Sean's will choose some one from other big family to bond. They choose one from lowest magical family and improve the power of both by bonding and couple training. He know this from his grandfather who taught him about their King and Sean's.

"Yibo.. I.." Zhan words being back Yibo to the present world.

" Zhan.. I don't know how to tell you. I.. u am worth to be one meter near to you. You are our Prince Zhan. Prince Sean who went missing after your dad and mom death" Yibo said and signed.

"Sean!?? What are you talking about Yibo. I am jiang's " Zhan was realizing the fact that he is not jiang at the time he saw the colour of his power but he can't digest the fact. He want Yibo to say that his power might have mutated due to inactivity.

"Zhan... I know you can't take in the information about yourself but it is the truth. Your dad and mom died twenty three years ago. They do that to protect you."

"What are you talking about?"

" Seans was the crown kingdom of our magical world. They was the most purest and powerful people among our magical people. The two days after your birthday celebration some one break out to your palace and try to kill our King and Queen and you as well. They can kill that power but they choose not to make a duel because they know that if they approach you, you can't resist them. So they pass their power and kill themselves before that power reach you.

I don't know how you become jiang's. I only identify your power similar you're the king's not similar , it is king's power. And the shield that form now is queen's. She might have transferred that to you" Yibo said.

Zhan was still getting into Yibo's words.

"Yibo... who did that?" now that Zhan know that someone kill his dad and mom he was so anger and sad. The grief that he feeling right now is indescribable. His eye colour was changing from red to black and to golden. Which was new in Yibo's eyes.

" Zhan relax, control over your power. The cave is safest place for you right now. Your power will not emit or give sign to anyone who is trying to kill you. And please calm down. I.. I might have no power to calm you down" Yibo said.

" Who?"

"Those power that make Sean's vanish is spotted recently. They was in search of you so that they can take your power and control the whole world.. the whole magical world" Yi bo said.

✨OBLIGATION ✨(Yizhan)(Not Edited)Where stories live. Discover now