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Jiang mansion
Jiang feng and his wife was back home after two days of their gazing.
"" Yanli hug her parents.
" My dear, how are you??where is your brothers.!?" Mrs.jiang ask.
"Mom,. A-cheng went out for a dinner with his friends. And about Zhan, he didn't call me today after he go out with his friend."
"What!???what happened!?" Mr jiang ask
"Don't worry dad, a-cheng called me and inform that Zhan is staying in his friend's home"
"Friend!? Which...that Wangs..!?" Mrs jiang ask.
"Yes, he went out with him today."
"okay, I will call him." Mr.jiang said.
"no need dad, his phone is out of coverage. He might have lost its charge. I guess he will call us later" Yanli said.
"but still. I want to talk to my son" mrs. Jiang said.
"Mom, don't react like kid. He left with his friend. And he is from magical world. So please. And from his eyes I am sure that his power is no single. He has several powers. So please don't take stress."
"Okay, did you have lunch" mr. Jiang asks. He is not sure whomever Zhan's friend is. He just wants to know his son is safe. After knowing everything he is more tensed. Seans are the powerful one but still Zhan is not trained and he don't even know his powers.
" yes dad, dad..!?" Yanli ask.
"yes dear!!"
"Why you both look like something is bothering you!?"
"My dear, just ignore it. I will tell you everything after some days. And dear. Your boyfriend called me today. He was asking for bonding. Are you... are you going to stay happy with him or I want to look for more powerful one!?"
"No dad, I am okay with it. Jack is nice guy. And powerful too. I already know dad you might have some problems as I am powerful than him. But dad., I fell for his character not to his power. And our bonding will be not so bad dad"
"My dear, I really don't have any problems with his power or anything. For me. The thing that matters is your happiness and wellbeing. I am blessed with a cute daughter who understands well so I want my daughter's partner also as understanding as my dear" mr.jiang came and hug her.
In their world there is no wedding functions and all. They can choose to bond from anywhere where the couples are alone and feel safe. They have to make a power chain with that silence. That power will bond them from heart. After bonding the thoughts of the partner can also feel by another.
"Thanks dad" yaanli go to take some food.
Jiangs was not happy to hear about Zhan not being around. So they decided to call Zhan.
Zhan who was busy with his boyfriend forget to switch on his phone. This made jiang even more worry. They know that Zhan is not their but still they only see him as their own son.
So, they decided visit Wang's after their lunch.

Wang's mansion.

"Zhan Zhan, stop being so clingy." Yibo said to the one on his lap and hugging him like Koala.
" Wang Yibo" Zhan roar and snuggle more to his boyfriend's chest. He is not so clingy type. They both know that, but all these make Zhan feel comfortable only on Yibo's chest.
"okay, I will not stop you. I just wanted to tell you that you want to call your parents. They might be waiting for you to back" Yibo said.
" yea I will. But please just a five minutes more. I don't know yibo I feel like you are pulling me to you"
" excuse me, you are the one who is doing that okay. I can't pull you Mr.sean" Yibo mock Zhan.
" Yibo.."
"yes baby"
"Do you really think, jiang's don't know about me beings a Sean.
I know they love me and care for me. But I feel like they were protecting me from this world without making me involved in this magical world"
"Zhan Zhan, baby.. " Yibo hug Zhan tightly.
" I am a new person for you. Still, you believe in my words as you feel I care for you. Just think about how much they might be worried about you all these years. They know you are not their son, still they love you whole heartily baby. Think about it" Yibo added and left Zhan alone to think about it.
It's not that Zhan hate them or not. He still loves them, cares for them... but when he gets to know all those things he got distracted. He stays there alone for couple of minutes and go to his boyfriend to the garden.
Yibo already know that Zhan love them. So, he didn't talk about that more. Yibo show Zhan how to control over the mind.
They trained for two hours and decided to rest.
After training they stay there in garden and talk about all their favorite things. Actually they almost know everything still they wanted to spend time.
In between their talk Zhan saw a familiar car is coming inside Wang Mansion.
"yibo, who is coming?"
"I Don't know, come. Let's go there" Yibo hold Zhan's hand and went inside the mansion.
"Zhan.." Zhan hear his mom calling him.
"Mom" he mumbled.
Ziyuan hug Zhan " Zhan why did you stay here without coming home. We both wait you for like hours"
Zhan don't know what to tell. In his mind he has several questions but he can't ask it at the time they are here in Wang Mansion. Zhan choose to remain silent.
"Mrs.jiang, come sit. Let me get you something to drink" Yibo said. Zhan didn't withdraw his hands from Yibo. Mr.jiang was noticing everything. But he also chooses to ask it in one on one.
"Son, what is your name?" mrs.jiang ask to Yibo.
"Wang Yibo"
"oh, you are Zhan's new friend. I had heard about you. How are you dear?"
" I am fine mrs. Jiang. "
" I heard that you are so powerful?"
"Its just inherit power. Please don't think big" Yibo said politely.
" did Zhan sleep well here?"
"yes, he did"
"that good. If you don't mind, can I take back Zhan to home?"
"Its just, we haven't seen him for some days. So.." mrs.jiang added.
"I am stay here mom. Please" Zhan said and go upstairs.
"I am really sorry mrs.jiang. he is not feeling well these days. So I choose to make him stay here. If you don't mind... please let Zhan stay " Yibo ask.
"you can see Yibo, he just run away. He is the one who choose what he wants, not me and my wife" mr.jiang said.
" actually mr.jiang ...I.. I just wanted to ask you permission" Yibo said
"Permission... for what?" mr.jiang was so confused that he lost in his chain of thoughts.
" It's that... Zhan and I are... dating. We need your permission to...." Yibo was cut off by someone from upstairs.
"Bond" Zhan shouted.
Mr. And Mrs. Jiang was so surprised that, how he knows he is also from magical world.!? How Yibo know it.!? And why Zhan is behaving like this.!?
"mom,... dad.. I have decided it. I don't want anyone in-between us. I want to be with Yibo. Whatever happens, I will be with him" Zhan shouted again.
"Zhan.." Yibo ask him to talk lightly.
Mr.jiang come near Yibo and patted on his shoulder.
" son, if Zhan is decided to be with you...he might have reasons behind it. And I can see that you are so polite and well-mannered one. I.. I just want you to take care of him. We..we don't have any right to stop Zhan from anything. He... he" mr.jiang stop and started sobbing.
"please uncle. I am sorry about his behaviour." Yibo said and make him seated.
" Yibo ..who all are these?" come to his living room.
" dad..this is Zhan's parents"
"oh... is it. " come near them ans sit there in a single Couch.
"oh... mr.jiang.. Zhan was with us yesterday. We have to say he is a polite one. I hope you don't have any issues with them bonding?" ask.
" Actually we don't. We are really okay with it." Mr jiang said
"that's good. I want you to talk to Yibo. So that you can know more about him. As you already know if one from our magical world decided his bond that means they can't just backoff from it. I think Zhan and Yibo already decided about it." said.
"I can see Yibo is a nice guy. But still It will be pleasure to talk to him alone" mrs.jiang said. ask Yibo to talk to them.
They choose to go to somewhere near garden.
"yibo.. I don't know how can I say that to you" mr.jiang said
"What is the matter mr.jiang"
"Zhan...Zhan is not"
"I know mr.jiang. Zhan is a Sean. He he...have magical power. I know everything."
"then, you might have already know..he is not our son by blood" mrsjiang said with a tearing eyes. Yibo nodded.
"Yibo... please take care of him. He is in a grave danger. We ...we all are helpless. I don't know if your family know about Zhan. But.. I don't know if it is safe" mr.jiang said.
Suddenly that fireball appear infront of yibo.
"Grandma sean..." Yibo greet her.
"Yibo... don't want to talk about Zhan to anyone. Zhan is.. not...not son will be facing some power fluctuations as his power have already recognise by the dark energy. Yibo... talk to Zhan.. don't make your bonding late" grandma sean said and teleport to somewhere else.
Mr. And mr. Jiang was surprised on Yibo knowing grandma sean.
"you know her?!"
"Yes, we meet a day before yesterday"
" She already know about you both!?"
"yes, she do"
" that might be the reason ....*sob* Zhan don't want out permission" jiang feng started to cry..
"uncle.... Please.. it's not like that...Zhan really loves you. He.. he is just shocked to know about himself. He thought you already know about him being sean. And he thought you all hid that from him" Yibo finally tell them everything.
"what... how... how can we hid something.." mrs.jiang cried.
" Aunty... it's just his mood is not normal. When he realize that his craving thing was already with him... He..was so sad and happy.. that might be the reason he thought so. You don't get more tensed about it. I can make him realize that you both weren't his adoptive family... but the only family he have" Yibo said
"son... please.. takecare of him. If grandma sean is talking about danger then.. I am scared" mr.jiang added
"don't worry uncle.. I can take care of him. He is mind now" Yibo said.
They all left after having some talk with Yibo's parents and all elder there.

Wèizhī dì dìfāng(unknown place)

Two men were practicing from tricks to control the mind over each other.
" I am almost done" one man said
"Not yet" the other said and take the control over the mind of latter.
He withdrew the power fast as he was doing it as part of training.
" You are powerful master" minsha said to his master.
" Indeed I am" the master said and started to laughing.
" Master,. Sean will be in our hands within couple of days"
"Minsha..., you are over confident. Do you think that old lady will allow us to touch him.!?? It will be hard.. that's the reason why ..I am doing this mind control.. I mean training on it"
"but master. We already detect his power. We can just pull him to us and do our does to take his power"
"we can't.. he.. he is with another energy.. that energy is as strong as sean.. not much but still. I already know who he is.. but I can't control over him. He.. he is a mind reader. We can't just simply say over that"
"But master.. they can go to two path right..!? I will cage him at that moment"
"We can wish that." The master said
Master and minsha start to train.
Grandma Sean who is so insanely brilliant one heard all by taking over her vanishing power. She already know who all are these. She choose to don't tell anyone about it because he want to protect Zhan as much as she can..alone. but in somewhere she knows that.. it is not possible without Yibo.

Wang Mansion.

" . Come . Let's eat something. We want to go somewhere.." Yibo make Zhan wake up from his bed as he was sleeping for hours.
"no.. I am not coming"
"How can I bond with you.. if you are not there."
"yes, we can going to be one. Are you not happy as me" Yibo pout
Zhan jump out of his bed and hug Yibo and kiss all over his face.
" I am so happy"
" I glad you are baby."
" take me" zhan show his two warms for latter to carry him.
Yibo take him to his arm and make him eat their breakfast.
Yibo have already decided all that related to their bonding. The main issue that they are going to face is , if Zhan release his energy to bond with Yibo, the dark energy will try to capture them. And they can't bond in crystal cave. The only safest place is that crystal cave..but bonding is not possible in that cave. So Yibo choose underwater palace. It's not that they can't capture.. it will take time to find this underwater palace as it was hidden by water controlling powered family. That is by Wang's. So Yibo can easily hide palace from dark energy. Grandma sean also promise to protect as much as she can. Still, she can't do anything more than just make them late to reach them as her power is not enough to defeat them. Her power is more helpful to hide and just defense. So Yibo is so conscious over it.


Hi guys, hope you all are doing good. I am recovering from corona. I try to update as soon as I feel som energy. It was really tiring days.. I should say... you all take care of yourself.
In India..its getting so hard to each and everyone. So prey for all of us.

This is a small updation. I will update bonding chapter as soon as possible.

 I will update bonding chapter as soon as possible

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I have got a message to write on Zhayi... I don't know if I can write on it. As I am too obsessed over yizhan. I love to read Zhayi stories but I.. don't think I can write one.

Good day
Take care.

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