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Hi All,
I am back with epilogue: I know I might not reach your expectations. Hope this will make you happy.
I am writing this epilogue for obligation readers who was there always.

Wuxian's POV.

Today I am delighted than any other day after I became a big brother.

Today my brother Wang Sean Yang is going to be Crowned as King of whole magical world. Today he and my sister will turn 18.

Dada and mama planned a big birthday part y to my two naughty ones.

Wang Sean Min is just like me and dada. Always keep up with all we have. With a good a proper low key profile. We three always blends well only with Yang and mama. No one else is our favorite.

Patty will be held in the Sean palace. Palace renovated to his best by my all uncles and dada.

I am on the way to get the gift wrapped. I brought a new model Tesla for Yang and Kia for Min. They both are also into martial art. Of course it's in our blood. No one can stop us three from that. You know hereditary is the strongest factor. So I decided to give them training on my own.

Oh!!! I forgot to tell you all.

I am one of the best martial arts trainer in whole world. Everyone all around the whole is trying to get in touch with me only to get trained in it. But I myself choose my trainees from the test which will held once a year. So in total I have only 1500 students.

My brother and sister was trained under mama and dada. I already told them that I will train them. But mama said that they want to earn to be my trainee. So I will ask them to perform today and take them. I am not judging their skills. Because mama's and dada's training is the best. Of course I learned from them. So that's my other gift for them.

I boxed both car keys and get back home.

"Wuwu, are you there!?" I heard a knock on my room door. I don't want to open the door to know who it is. That's my mama.

"Yes mama, come in" i said.

Mama come near me and give me kiss on my forehead.

"Mama, it's not my birthday today" I chuckled and reminded him.

" I know you little moron" mama scolded.

"You didn't get ready yet mama. Where is dada and those birthday kids!?" I ask.

"GeGe, we are not kids anymore" I heard min.

"Areh, my little princess is here" I said and kiss on her cheeks.

"GeGe, stop na. I am here. How can you only kiss her" I heard Yang.

"Come you jealous cat" I said and give him kiss as well.

"Is your kissing hour came to end, can we go to palace" dada said.

"Dada" we three said and hug him.

"Come on you guys. Don't act like a baby. Go and get into our car" dada said.

We three laughed and walked to our car. I am sure today dada is not allowing yang to drive. Because if he drive we will reach there in ten minutes.

Yibo's POV.

I come near to zhan and back hug him and kiss on his neck.

"Yibo, your three kids are young enough to get married and you are still as romantic as before, *signs* please be a little shy" zhan said and come out of my hug.

"I guess we made them together like this" I said and hug him again.

" offo, Yibo. It's not time to be romantic. What is your plan for tonight. Is everything settled!?" He ask. I know he is asking about food and hospitality in the palace for tonight. Because everyone is going to live there for tonight.

✨OBLIGATION ✨(Yizhan)(Not Edited)Where stories live. Discover now