✨Three Children✨

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Yibo's POV.

Zhan is eight months pregnant with my twins. Doctor said that one is girl and other is boy. Wuxian is always with his mama. And Me as well.
After all this war scene, everything turns back to normal. Whole magical world is happy about it. Seans, who is our ruler., is not ready to be king. Yes, Zhan didn't accept his own crown. He is saying that Wuxian is his king. But unfortunately, my little one doesn't want to be a king. I just hope seans get a king.

Right now, me and Wuxian is on the way to complete our renovated rooms for twins. We just want to fill two beds in it. I really don't know how I got a little one just like me. Growing day by day Wuxian is grasping my character. Now he doesn't like to talk more, he will be happy just stay beside his mama.

After selecting two cute beds, we came back to our home. Zhan was sleeping when we left, because we know his evening nap will last long. So when we return zhan was still sleeping.
I like his big belly; I mean like it's kinda cute.
I ask wuxian to get change and I go near zhan and place his on to my chest. He snuggles inside my chest more. Recently he is clingier to me. And why should I deny, because he is my husband, I should pamper him. Before Wuxian get back, I kiss all over his face.
Because of the kisses he wake up and look at me.
"Wang Yibo, you should wake me up first. Okay.... So that I can kiss you back" he said and started kiss on my lips. I suck his lips passionately. Which obviously last still Wuxian is back.
"mama, dada and I completed our twins room. We will show you when you are free" Wuxian said with excitement and sit on zhan's lap.
"Aw, Mama's baby did the best. I love you the most Wuwu" zhan said and kiss all over his face.
I look at my happy little family and hug them.
"Zhan zhan, Jiangs and Wangs are on the way to Sean's. You don't want to go!?" I ask.
"Yibo, uncle and jiyang is there. I feel so tired" zhan said. I chuckles and get back to make him some food. Wuwu stay with his mama.

Wuxian's POV.

Mama and l play some games and call grandmas and grandpas.
"Mama, when my brother and sister come , will you love me like this!?" I ask.
"Baby, my little Wuwu, you are Mama's little treasure. Mama and dada's happiness. The happiness you brought to this home is alway prior. Later your siblings will also, but for me and dada, you are our first child" mama said and caress his belly.
Suddenly Mama's belly started to show a glowing light. I run to call dada.
It was a combination colour of red and blue. One was rose and other was orange. The colors was blended well that it's hard to identify which one is glowed up now.
Dada and I run to mama and put our ears on Mama's belly.
"Babies, can you hear dada!?" dada ask.
"your Gege is here. Can you hear me!?" I also ask.
Mama was excited to know if we get any response or not. But unfortunately, we didn't get any..
"Mama's little beans. Talk to dada and Gege" mama said to babies.
That is when we started to hear voice.
"Mama loves gege more" we heard two voices.
"My little beans, mama loves all three of you equally. Don't be upset with mama" dada said.
"yes, mama will be loving you two also. Don't worry. Mama is the cutest" I said to my brother and sister.
After hearing that they both stop glow and stop Linking with our minds.
"mama, is my little ones not going to talk to me because I am your elder son!?" I was in an erg to cry.
"My little happiness, come on. Sit on Mama's lap." He said and take me to his lap.
Dada come near us and hug us.
"My son, they were jealous. And they gone because they understand there is nothing to get jealous of." Dada said.
"Is it!? They will talk to me right!?" I ask again.
"Ofcourse, you are their Gege." Mama Said.
"That's right. After they are here, you are the one who is going to protect them." Dada said.
I giggle on that and kiss in dada's cheeks.
"I will cry if you will not kiss me" mama pouted to me. I go near him and kiss on his cheeks as well.

A month later.

Yibo's POV.

Zhan is in labor. I can't take my breath. Wuwu is with his uncles. I want him to be with someone. Because I might lose my sense if I will not see zhan in an hour.

✨OBLIGATION ✨(Yizhan)(Not Edited)Where stories live. Discover now