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Wang Mansion

Yibo and Zhan already left.
“Crystal, I don’t know why. I feel like Zhan is more powerful than Yibo”
“ Honey, even I too feel so. But why he is reacting like he is a human.!?”
“ You are right. I feel a kind of wave from Yibo today. It doesn’t feel before. I feel like Zhan is already connected to him.”
“ That might happen honey, they have already decide to bond. I think their power is already fusing in a particular way that too unknown to both of them”
“ Their love is so strong to fuse without their consent. Yibo is so caring over Zhan.”
“he is my son. He is always caring to his loved one”
“ You are right. I guess Zhan’s first name is Xiao. But his parents is jiang. How .. how can that happen!?”
“Honey, don’t think too much” mrs. Wang said.
Suddenly a car rush into Wang compound. It was Nie mingjue and his brother with xue yang.
They rush in to living room and release a power. Which turn from white to red. And it’s density decrease and defuse within air.
“Mingjue. What are you doing?” quiren ask.
“… sean  was here. I can sense him here. I don’t know what stope me for past two days. And and.. I think the power left now.”
“Sean power. How can that happen mingjue. How can I can’t sense them”
“… he have shielding power. He can shield himself easily. I think the shield is taking place without his consent.”
“No one special come here for past two days. I think you got misguided by dark energy”
“its not dark energy uncle” jili said.
“ Though energy left, we can sense his left over energy here” xue yang said.
“over that direction” jili show to the direction to Yibo’s room.
Quiren was shocked to see that. Now he can also see a red energy with the blue ( Yibo’s energy). He rush to that room.
“ I can’t believe … Yibo’s is going to bond with a Sean” said.
“ bonding!??.. it’s dangerous. If sean is bonding his energy will emit. It will lead to danger” jili said.
“yes, we need to do something. Or else that dark energy will get an info about sean” xue yang said.

YiBo's POV

I know we are taking every step as fast as we could. My Zhan is excited and nervous at the same time. It’s not because he knows that his energy will be emitting at bonding, he is worried about all those both of us.
Now we are in the car, on the way to crystal cave to collect our energy stone.
“Yibo” Zhan call out.
“ why should we collect stone there in crystal cave? Can we buy it on the way to underwater palace?”
I know Zhan don’t know anything about magical world.
“Zhan, at the time we born in our world, a stone will also form in the crystal cave. That is our individual energy. So, when we are going to bond, we want to collect that stone. This stone will break and take the form of rings after our bonding is finish. That’s why this stone is not available in market” I chuckle. He pouted on it.
“ Do I have the stone!?” Zhan was so curious and he was looking so cute in our outfit.
“ Ofcourse Zhan baby, that’s why when we enter there in the cave it reflects. Get it?” I kiss on his cheeks.
“oh.. now I know why”
Zhan is behaving like a kid now. He is so curious to know each and every change he is feeling after our training. Now he is capable to control his power, which was a blue fire. But I am sure Zhan have different powers. That blue fire and the water in my power is so opposite that we are privileged to take out both power equally.
We reach the crystal cave.
“zhan, there is a pond in right center if the cave. When you dig in it, the stone that come to your hands is your stone.” I ask him to do son.

” I ask him to do son

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