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Zhan' POV.

I am little tensed these days. I am in my fourth month of my pregnancy. I can feel my baby's power. My little one is as strong as his dad. When I rub my belly, I can see a light. It's a white light. Yibo told me that the baby has some white kind of energy. But how can it form Ina white colour. Grandma told me that my power is similar to mom and Yibo's is similar to his dad. Then I my baby's power is not similar to any of us both!? I am little tense.

When I think about the war, I am afraid. I fear to think about it. Yibo told me to not think about it. He is now practicing for twelve hours and going his business for other hours. His health is kind of weak recently. That is other reason for my tension. So, I decided to make him something heavily energetic food. So now I am in preparation of that. Now he is practicing. After that he will go straight to sleep. That is his routine. But today I will force him to eat.

"Where is my baby's mom!?" I guess Yibo reach back.

"Yibo, baby. Come I made something for you" I said.

"No, baby. I am not hungry. I feel so sleepy. Come let's sleep. Wait, dis you have food" he ask.

"Wang Yibo... are you going to eat with me or not. If you are not coming. I will go to sleep without having supper. And I will only eat when you are eating and that too same amount you eat" I am so angry. He only cares about us two. What about his health!?

"baby, don't act like a baby"

"you stop it baby. Please Yibo. My baby need you too. If you practice hard and not concentrate on your health, you will lose your powers. And this baby is not mine alone. If he come, he wants his dad too. And everything apart. I want you more than anything. I will also come with you to practice with you. We both will make our power bigger. Not you alone baby" I go near him and hug him. He is about to cry.

He hugs me back and kiss me on my face.

"Are you tensed baby!? I am really sorry. When I think about you being in center of a war, I lost the urge to eat. I just want to kill all those who is against us. I want us to happy with our little one" Yibo said.

"I know baby, but we can't say what will happen tommorow. We want to happy at the present.

And ...if you are still planning to slip meal, I will hit your ass out. Don't forget my skills. I don't want any magical power to hit you my dear husband" I said. He giggle on that and take me in his arm in bridal way.

"hey, place me down. " I said.

"I want to be with my love. Let have something. I know your leg might be hurting because of your food making. Please let me carry you my love" he said.

I am just saying. I too want to pampered by my husband.

We both have our food and left to sleep. As always, I said all that happened today and he also said all those chores in his office.

Next morning, I wake up and arrange everything that we needed to go for practicing. Yibo might be waking at any time. He wants to eat something before going. We usually make breakfast together. But today I want him to eat. Or else, he will not eat much. I always love to train with him. He is so caring that he is scared always about if something might happen to me.

"Baby, why you didn't wake me up!?" Yibo comes out of the room.

"Come, see what I made for my baby" I said.

Yibo come and back hug me and place his head on my shoulder.

"Oh, all my favorites. You should have call me. I should help you. I don't want you to get hurt" he said and kiss on my cheeks.

✨OBLIGATION ✨(Yizhan)(Not Edited)Where stories live. Discover now