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Wuxian’s POV.

17 hours before.

For a month mama is not feeling good. I am really tensed about mama. Mama is thinking about killing that dark uncle. I don’t know what should I do. Dada is taking care of business and mama , and he is also planning to kill that.

Great grandma was on her way. She just mind link me to make mama safe.

If mama see me tensed, he will be also tensed. So I decided to trick him and be with him always.

So I ask him to play with me. As always he is waiting for dada to come. Such a cute couple they are. I love them the most. Especially mama, I know everything that happened to him beforehand. He use to talk to me about it when I was in his belly. So I know everything. That’s how I know how that dark Uncle trying to hurt my mama. I feel pity on him. Why the hell he need my mama’s belongings. The powers are to be earned, not to be taken from someone else.  My dada earn his powers by practicing. He should also do that.

Suddenly I feel a force. A force that forcing mama. I hold him and go with that force.

I don’t know where I reach. I was only sure that mama is with me. I am still holding him tightly as I could.

Suddenly a black big ball came. I was about to touch it, that’s when I feel a dangerous wind. I take back the step and hold mama even more close to me.

The black ball change to a men. I men who covered with black gases.

“Hahahaha, is this little thing come with Sean Xiao Zhan. How a little baby cross my energy” the black uncle started laughing again.

“Black uncle, why… r .. you.. laughing.!?” I ask.

“Uncle!!!!! I am not your uncle. And who are you little thing” he ask.

“WuWu” I make a short reply. This uncle is so disgusting to see as well.

“I don’t want to know your name. I want to know your family” uncle said.

“I am Wang Sean Wuxian, Wang Yibo’s and Sean Xiao Zhan’s son” I said loud and clearly.

He grasp back when he heard the both names.

“The two men… I am not going to believe your words little thing” he said and laugh again.

The thing I was concerned was if mama wakes up he will be tensed. I made him sleep the moment I feel danger. He is right next to me.

“wu Wu cannot make you believe anything uncle” I said.

“you little thing. Leave Sean to me. I will give you your life in return.” Uncle started to looking at my mama intensely.

“My mama is not yours. And don’t you dare to touch him” I wake up from my mama and stand still.

“you little thing, you dare to talk back to me” he said and change to a black gas and lift me up.

That was the moment mama started to wakes up.

When he saw me. He started to getting weak. I can feel mama’s power.

“Wuxian…. Baby” he called me.

“mama” I called back.

“Leave my baby you…” mama form a fire ball in his hand and aim it to the black gas.

Being a gas, it goes through it.

Mama grasp.

“Baby, hang on. Mama is going to call dada” mama said.

✨OBLIGATION ✨(Yizhan)(Not Edited)Where stories live. Discover now