EXTRA- Wuxian and Wangji.

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Wuxian's POV.

(It happened days before Crowing ceremony)

As I was about to open the door my brother Yang and his friend circled around me.

"What happened to you all. And leave me. I need to go to wash room" I said to them.

"No gege. I am not going to leave you at any manner." Yang said.

"Yang, what is the matter!?" I ask.

"Gege, we all planned for a trekking at an hill near to our Sean palace. As you can guess, not one been there before. But I guess, when we reach on the top we can see whole city. I swear gege" he said with a puppy eyes.

"What!!!!! Are you out of mind Yang. Mama and Dada will not be happy to know that you are planning something this mischievousness" I said.

"But gege, it's gonna be fun. I know you want to come with us as well." Yang pleaded.

Frankly I do love adventures trips and trekking. But I don't want to make mama and dada tensed.

"I don't want to give tension to mama and dada." I said.

"Gege, I promise I will make them provide. I proud" he said again.

"What ever, you guys.. go and eat something. And you are not going any where before informing mama and dada about it" I said with a strict 'gege' face. He will not talk more after seeing that face. Because he knows that, I will not listen any excuse after that.

We all waited for mama and dada to come. But they both was so happy. Especially dada, he always want alone time with mama. Such a clingy couple. And they have already planned to sent min to her best friend's place.

After two day we all left to that hill yang mentioned.

Dada drop us to the way to the forest near the hill. We need to cross this forest to reach the way to hill. Not way, actually we are making way.

Yang, me and his two friends tian and li was also with us.

We all take some food and water, as we have no idea when we will reach on top and when we will get back.

I was so excited about adventures that I always forget there are three others with me. Yang always says to me give him attention when they are trekking. We use to trek together.

We both.

I always love that. He follows me and there were always some path to show a way to the hill top. But in this case, we don't know the way or anything.

And after all yang want to take care of his friends. They are human, they was sure that yang is powerful enough to protect them from any wild animals.

But we come across with all cute animals in this beautiful forest.

But we come across with all cute animals in this beautiful forest

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