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Xiao zhan’s POV.

Wuxian and his dada is playing with the toys Yibo brought today. He is two months old today. Yibo was planning to call whole family for a dinner. We were staying there in Wang Mansion. Yesterday we three come back to our home. Yibo was tensed, that I might need help of someone’s help to look Wuxian. That’s why we were there in Wang Mansion. Now I know how to look my baby. So Yibo ask to come back to our home.
“Baby, what happened!? Did you lose somewhere!?” I felt a warm arms. I know Yibo is over concerned about me now. From his point of view, I am still in pain because I gave birth. Such a stupid. Grandma and mom said a lot that I am fine. But for Yibo I am weak.
I turn around and peak on his lips.
“Now, I was just thinking about what to make for our dinner.” I said.
“I have called a helper to come. He might call someone to help him. So you don’t want to think about it. They will handle it. So my dear husband feed my son” Yibo said.
“where is your son!?” I ask as I look on the direction where they were playing. He was not there.
Wuxian was not an ordinary magical baby. He was so powerful, even our combined energy too can’t control him. He is just two months and he knows all the energy he inherited from his mama and dada. His eyes will change it’s color to a pale green when he sense something abnormal. Recently he senses a dragon in the forest where our home is. He instantly change his eye color and form a kind of small Strom on his right hand which was in a red color. Both me and Yibo was dumbfounded. Wuxian is most conscious about me. When I was about to unknowingly cut my finger when I am cutting veggies, he will instantly teleport to me and stop what I am doing. I am damn sure that he can also read mind as yibo. Though we can’t understand, he will always read me.
I feel someone tapping my feet. It was my son.
I carry him to my arms.
Wuxian look to me and give a smile. His smile resembles to my smile. Yibo really like to see us both smiling to each other. I guess he is reading me. He loves when I am thinking about him(Wuxian).
“Hey you two. Don’t from forget that I can also read mind. Wuxian, please let me read your mama. I don’t want you to read him. Okay” Yibo said.
Wuxian show his two arms to his dada and ask him to carry him. Yibo lovingly take his son from my arms.
“How did you know I am jealous Wuxian!?. Now I am sure you can also read mind. You cute little rascal” Yibo said and kiss on Yibo’s both cheeks.
Wuxian giggle and kiss Yibo back on his checks.
“you both. Cut it okay. Give me Wuxian. Let me feed him” I said and take Wuxian back.
I sit in the couch and make him drink the breast milk. Wuxian actually like it. He always fell asleep after drinking.
Yibo sit near and side hug me. The clingy husband of mine. Am I liking it!?  Hell, yes. Who else don’t like a clingy husband?
Wuxian fell asleep. I took him his room.

It’s a small room which have a door to our room

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It’s a small room which have a door to our room. It was already set up before we reach here. The door was also made up only for putting an eye on Wuxian. And he also uses that door. He can knee. When he is awake and we aren’t, he will come to us and tug the blanket.
I place him on his bed and left to make lunch. Dinner will be not in my hands. So I left to make some rice and some meat.
We had our lunch and decided to watch tv.
I don’t know what is happening. I felt a climate change.
“Yibo, what is happening!?” I tug his shirt and hug him.
“Relax baby. It might be sudden climate change. It will happen some times.” He said and coax me.
“Yibo, Wuxian. Let me take him. He might be afraid” I said and was about to wake up. Instantly I feel a weight on my lap.
Wuxian teleport and come to my lap.
I hug him and shower him with kisses. He just giggle and look up to me.
Wuxian raise his hands to his dada to take him.
“my baby is not scared see” Yibo said and take Wuxian. That is when I am relax. If he is relaxed then it is not any danger.
“ yes he is.” I said and hug my family.
“Zhanzhan, my baby. Just relax okay. He will not come. I am here. No one will take you away from me.” Yibo said and kiss me on my forehead.
Wuxian tap on my cheeks and giggle.
“see if you are sad, Wuxian will be also sad. Right baby” Yibo said. Wuxian nodded and smile.
His smile is the cutest thing.
“Now, get ready baby. Everyone will be on the way. Make our handsome Wuxian as handsome he is” Yibo said and left to call his ge.
I take zhan and make Wuxian ready.

✨OBLIGATION ✨(Yizhan)(Not Edited)Where stories live. Discover now