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*Warning ⚠️*

Zhan’s POV

We are still at Wang Mansion. I ask Yibo to stay here so that we can spend some time with family. YiBo’s dad invite my dad and mom and all jiangs. So, we all are here for a night stay. Actually, I am loving it. I am so happy today.
“Baby” Yibo called me from somewhere. I told him that I will come in a while. I was in the balcony of our room. Yibo might be calling me to eat something. I haven’t eaten well after I heard from Yibo’s dad. He was just behind me. Still, I can’t do anything.  In these two days I wasn’t feeling any insecurity.
“Baby, come.” Yibo come to our room as he hasn’t seen me yet.
“,yes baby”
“What are you thinking!?” he asks. I hugged him and look into his eyes.
“ I was thinking that I haven’t feel any kind of insecurity after our bonding”  he kiss me.
“ oh, I take it as a compliment to me”
“ I guess it is” he chuckled.
“Come mom is calling you. I know you haven’t had lunch. Your dad and mom is so worry when the heard that.”
“When will they stop worrying about me” he chuckled and held my hands.
We have lunch. Yibo was waiting for me to have lunch. Others all left to chit-chat.
After lunch we went to talk with dad and mom. They were not like earlier, means they are over protective now. I can’t even take some time alone. That’s funny but still.
Yibo was asking for coffee so I made one for him and for me also. We was on our balcony.
Suddenly grandma came.
“Grandma” I stand for her and ask her to sit. She occupied the seat and Yibo made me sit on his lap.
“ aw, don’t act cute in front of me” she said and chuckled.
“ Grandma please” I was blushing.
“ Whatever, I am here to tell you something”
“what happened grandma” Yibo is so tensed when she said that.
“  don’t need to get panic. Listen, when you were bonding your dad make that dark energy late for like an hour. Yes, your dad did help to complete your bonding. Dark energy was trying to get on it. They precisely try to capture Zhan that day with black hole. But when that reach there your bonding was already completed.  You two might have already guess that this is what have happened there.
But, because of your power he…. He lost his power. It start to degrade and now he is at lower level”
“what” we said in unison.
“Yes, he was slipped into lower level and now I killed his left-hand and now I can assure you that his power not compare to your one fourth power. But…he.  He can come back.”
“ I will see if he can beat us” Yibo said in a confidence. How is he so sure about that.!!!!
“ I need is spirit in Zhan” grandma said.
“grandma.. “
“ okay . Okay.. what can I do if you are so easy to approach, I am scared. If Yibo is not there you will act reckless. Stay close you two” she said and wink.
“ I will make him the strongest grandma. He is the only one I have to take care now” Yibo said and peck on my checks. He is super romantic after our bonding.
“ everything apart. I what to tell something to Zhan”
“do I want to give you space!?” Yibo ask.
“no.. no. I need you two”
She takes out her right hand and close it and closed her eyes too. I was watching her close so that I can understand what she is doing.
When she open her palm there was a marble.

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