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Yizhan House.

Yibo who was already awake decided to stay in bed till Zhan is awake. He was rubbing his husband’s cheeks which was making latter to sleep more.
Zhan snuggle inside more towards Yibo so that he doesn’t want to wake up.
“I guess you sleep a lot today” Yibo whisper to his husband’s ears. Zhan giggle and wake up.
“I thought you are signing me to sleep more” he said and peck on Yibo’s lips.
“Don’t be so lazy my dear husband. Come wake up.”
“ Do we have some plan today Yibo. I want to train more. So that I can beat them…alone”
“ firstly we have to meet our parents and secondly you are not going to face anyone alone here after… I guess, I am your magical partner and I have all rights to help you.”  Yibo kiss Zhan and make him sit on the bed.
“ Yibo.. I was just telling to make me train with you. I.. am sorry that I forgot about my dear husband when I think about those crappie people. I don’t want to see you in the trouble. I don’t even think about it Yibo” he hugs Yibo and started to sniff.
“ Don’t sniff baby. I am still sweating..”
“But it smells nice” Zhan hug more tightly.
“okay..okay..stop your play. Come let’s freshen up. Or.. else.. I will fresh up first and prepare you a breakfast. How is that baby?”
“It’s sounds nice” Zhan said and Yibo ki ss oh latter’s forehead and left to bathe.

Zhan’s POV.

When Yibo left to bathe, I sleep some more. When he come back, he take me and put me in the bathtub and give me a passionate kiss. Which was actually what I needed for the time we are awake.
He left to make breakfast. I decided to take a long bathe, which was much needed after yesterday night. Yibo was not that hard on me. But still it was a tiring. I guess that was our first time.
I always enjoy the time I spent with Yibo. He always makes me feel like I am as respectful as others. When I was little, all the parties are my terror dreams. All my childhood friends use to make me fun of because I don’t have any power as them. At that time, I always wish for someone who like Yibo. I know my brother and sister was there, but they were not aware of this bullying as they will became good babies when my siblings come to me, because they know that, they are powerful. I use to hide those things from them. They always see me as their own. That might be the reason why that news of me being sean stuck me this hard. Those unexpected things. Likewise, Yibo always make me feel like I am valuable for him. That was when he doesn’t know about my powers, though he has some hints he didn’t give much attention.  He always sees me as his own. Which makes me blush all those nights after our meet.
My train of thought was disturbed when Yibo knock on bathroom door and ask me to stop playing around.
He was still is the bathrobes so I decided to couple with him. I went with him to dining table.

I love all the small small parts in this house

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I love all the small small parts in this house. I don’t know how grandma do those which we both likes together. We both always prefer to be in our own company. Likely, she made our dining room with few chairs. Which was good.
Yibo made a Sunnyside den and some herbal tea. Which was his favorite and his kind of routine. I guess I study him well after those days in his home.
“Baby, we will meet your parents first and then we will go to mine!?” Yibo said
“why.. I want to meet your mom and ask some spicy food recipes she wanted to try. I am the only one who eats it. She was dying to try it”
“baby.. you can’t hide from them” Yibo understand me well. I was really feeling kind of awkward to face them. My parents.
“I know” I repond.
He fed me the egg and we get ready to leave.
We both choose some casual cloth.

✨OBLIGATION ✨(Yizhan)(Not Edited)Where stories live. Discover now