CHAPTER FOUR- Feeling strange.

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Nie family Mansion.

"Gege, what happened? Where are going" jili ask his elder brother who seems in a rush to some where.

"brother, I need to go and see Mr.Wang as soon as possible" his brother replied and get in to his car and left.

Jili who was dumbfounded don't know what to do and what exactly happening to his brother and that too with a fraction of seconds.

Suddenly he felt an intense high frequent voice and a cloudy eyes. He who was powerful to overcome it was too surprised that he can't take out his hand to control it.

Somehow he dialed a number in phonr and ask to come the man from other side.

After sometime xue yang came and look for his friend.

When he came jili was on floor, struggling to stand up on his leg. He run to jili and some how make him sit on the couch near to them. Xue yang take some water and give it to jili.

"Jili, what is this and why are you behaving like a loony?" xue yang ask.

"I too don't know what exactly is happening. There is some power around somewhere who is trying to manipulate me. ... I don't know exactly if it trying on me or some else. I feel so.. so helpless at that moment." Jili replied with a heavy breaths.

"Okay..okay... you just relax okay. I will get you something to eat. And.. do I want to inform your brother. By the way where is he?"

"He went to see Wangs. I don't know why he go there. But I am sure there is something or someone is bothering him"

"ehh???? What is happening here. What ever. I will give you some thing to eat. After that we will go somewhere to take out of your gloomy mood" xue yang said.

Wang Mansion.

"where is Xichen and Yibo.!? I want to see them right now" Qurien ask his wife Carm.

" What happened? Why are you sweating.!? Let me call them and inform to come here as soon as possible" carm replied.

Carm call them and give her husband some water and hold his hands and transfer some energy.

After sometime Qurien relaxed and settled.

"" Mingjue came in to Wang Mansion.

"Mr.Nie. come sit. What happened? Why you came without informing?"

" I.. I need to talk to you an important matter"

"I know about it mingjue. You don't want to explain it in this condition. I wonder why... it's ...happening after so many years. I..I too can't figure out the power."

"But Mr. Wang. We need to act something. I mean if this get happening we.. we might have loss our power or else that energy might manipulate us and make us do something they needed"

"Mingjue relax. He.. he can't just manipulate us. We will train at our most and try to beat them"

" you are talking something that's impossible for us. I mean that energy came back after acquiring the energy he needed to manipulate us and how are we going to acquire the energy to overcome this particular manipulative energy within this time. It's impossible. "

"mingjue is right honey. Done act reckless." Carm came into conversation.

"but honey.... I don't know if he...he is beatable or not. How are we suppose to find the amount of energy in that person so that we can make a bond or combine the whole energy of our family" quiren ask.

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