CHAPTER FOURTEEN- Talk with uncle.

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Zhan’s POV
Today I am two months with my baby. I finally decided to meet our parents. Yibo always tell me to meet them. I was so shy and afraid at same time. I am not sure how will they take the news of me being pregnant.  Actually, Yibo have been facing too much trouble from me. He decides to work from home because I always want him near me. I am already fed up with my morning sickness, something I might vomit or else feel nausea or else it will be kind of headache. On my first day of vomit, I cried a lot, I don’t know why.. Yibo is saying it happens and it’s not so dangerous.
Wen qing always come to check me up weekly. She is saying that after she get to know about my pregnancy she searches if there it any cases like this in our magical world and the surprising things is, there exists. That was when I relax.
Today also I am feeling to vomit. We both are still in the bed and I don’t want to wake Yibo. He already sleep late yesterday. I slightly move the tight hug on my waist. I don’t know how he wake up.
“Baby, you want something” he asks.
“No, hubby. You sleep. I want to use washroom” I said and come out of hug and go to bathroom.
Yibo was also behind me which I didn’t notice. When I vomit I feel like crying. I don’t know he know my mood is changing. He come and back hug me. I was shocked because for me he is still sleeping.
“Baby, it’s alright. Come” I hug him and he lift me up and I circle my legs on his waist.
I feel so calm when he is close to me. I aroma is the most pleasant one I am getting recently.
Yibo slowly sit on the bed with me. I hug h tightly.
“Baby, please don’t go through this alone. I am the father. I am also equally responsible for it, please baby” he said and kiss me on my forehead.
“I know bobo… but I think you might be tired because you slept late yesterday” I mumbled..
“Mn… that doesn’t mean I will sleep when my baby is going through these kinds of things. Zhanzhan… I only have you now. You are mine and your emotions affect me also. So don’t try to hide from me. “ I nodded and we slept some more to relax.
It was already ten when I wake up. I can’t see Yibo, so I am sure he might be making breakfast. And as I guess Yibo come with breakfast after couple of minutes.
He has our breakfast on the bed and Yibo made me bath because I am so lazy and feel like sleep more.
Then we get ready to go to our parents’ house. Jiang’s have already invited Wang’s so we are going to jiang’s house.
When we reach there all was already there.
My brother and Yibo’s brother are already bonded one. It happened a week before. I don’t know about their relationship when they said they have bonded I was dumbfounded. Whatever, it’s good for him. He is happy now.
Yibo held my arms and come in.
“zhanzhan,..  my brother” jie hug me and I hug her back. We hug all and they gesture us to sit.
“Zhan.. where were you.. for like two months. Are you hiding from someone. We are still capable to help you Zhan” Cheng said.
“It’s not like that Cheng.. Zhan was not feeling well. That’s why we choose to stay there in our home. We are really sorry if we make you all worry” Yibo said while side hugging me. I don’t know I feel like crying again. I hid this special thing from them. They might scold me for sure.
“Zhan.. are you alright now” Yibo’s mom ask and sit near me. She kiss on my forehead and hold my arms in her.
“I am mom” I said and she tap lovingly on my head.
“Mom, how is dad.!?” I just want to ignore further questions on my health.
“he is obviously alright. How can he be not okay son. You just take more rest. I hope Yibo taking care of you” mom said.
“He is mom” I said
“we..we just want to tell you all something” Yibo said.
“what is it son!?” dad ask. And Yibo’s dad nodded to talk.
“We don’t want to hide it for more. It’s just.. my husband is pregnant” Yibo said.
All was like opened mouth. Ge smile at me and say cheers by the glass he holding.
“you mean like” mom ask.
“Like carrying a baby…!?” Yibo' mom completed.
“ yes mom, “ I said.
Mom come and hug that goes to everyone. I did expect this reaction.
They all wish me and Yibo. I was blushing afterwards. This was the moment I dreamt and this is happening.
Mom came with a box of chocolates and give to everyone. Both moms ask about my health and baby’s condition. I know they are so worried. I can understand. I am seeing Yibo every day. He used to call different doctors and ask about this kind of pregnancy. And his whole search history is the Ted talks on it.
“yibo… I need to talk to you” Cheng called. Yibo nodded and go with Cheng and ge.
After sometime they come back and Yibo sit near me.
“Yibo.. what did he said!?” I was curious so I ask in his ears.
“He just give me number of a doctor who handle male pregnancy and warn me to take care of you” Yibo chuckles and kiss me on my forehead. I blush and give back the kiss on his cheeks.
“come let’s eat” mom call to eat.
She was serving for everyone except me. I pout on her.
“ I will give you some healthy food. You just wait” she said. I am trapped. I want to go back to my home and eat all that my husband makes. I pout to Yibo and he chuckles.
I am angry on him for laugh at me. Mom give me some kinds of protein rich food. Which is t good to look itself. He ask me to eat and I just taste it and show like eating for further.
When everyone involved in their talk about my coming baby. Yibo move his chair closer to me and feed be the food he was eating.
“I will make you all you needed at home” he whispered and feed some more without ditch on anyone’s eyes.
“I am full” I whisper and he kiss me on my lips
He take some of the food given to me and ate it.
“if you eat it I might have heard from you” he whispered. I smile on it.
When we all ate, all cleans dishes and arrange them well.
Mom and Yibo’s mom sit near me and started to talking about their pregnancy.
“when I was pregnant with Xichen I don’t have anykind of morning sickness. But when it’s turn of Yibo. He made me weak for first three months of my pregnancy. But when I get him in my arms, I forgot everything. He was such an adorable baby that smile more.” Yibo' mom said.
“smiles!?” mom ask.
“yea.. he uses to smile when he was baby. And we all make him smile more. Wait I have a picture of that in my home. I will sent it to you.” I smile at her.
“ Zhan do you expect it to be a boy.. !?” mom ask.
“ Yibo and I, didn’t talk on that topic. I too didn’t think about it.” I said.
“that’s good. I wish it to be a girl” Yibo’s mom said.
“I am happy with both” mom said.
“I too” I added.
Yibo was with Cheng and ge. He come back when it’s almost time to go.
Mom give a loud of stuffs to eat and some books for Yibo.
We took that go back to our home. Cheng and ge was also with us. I guess Cheng made convinced Yibo to stay there with us.
When we reach home grandma was there.
I ask her to sit.
She call me to our room. And I go with her.
“Zhan… “
“yes grandma”
“how are you feeling!?”
“I am good grandma. Where were you. I was missing you”
“I was with you uncle and cousin. They wanted to see you. “
“do they!?”
“ofcourse, like you they also suffer from that energy. So I hide them within the humans. When they get to know you are pregnant. Your uncle is so helpless.”
“am I allow to see them!? Grandma!?”
“Ofcourse you are..I will bring them when I come here again” she said.
“okay, grandma”
“okay. Son…I am leaving.”
“you don’t want to meet Yibo!?”
“I will meet him some other day. I want to go back. Tell me I ask about him and ask him to take care of my son” she said and kiss on my forehead.
When she left Yibo come inside. And place all stuffs we brought from home.
“Yibo, grandma went”
“why, so early. I haven’t meet her”
“grandma was in a hurry and bobo… I have a uncle.. and he wanted to see me. So grandma came to inform me that”
“Aw, that’s good.
Are you hungry baby!?” Yibo come and kisse.
“No hubby… I am feeling a little tiredness”
“then sleep a bit. I want to show ge and Cheng their bed room. You change your dress okay baby” Yibo said and kiss on my forehead and left.
I change my dress to Yibo’s tee. I want to feel free and this is my favorite outfit recently.

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