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Four months later.

YiBo's POV.

Zhan is getting weaker and weaker day by day. I can't see him like that. I will help him with always. He really can't take anything alone. I don't know what is happening. So today I called Ms.Wen to check him And she is on the way. I am waiting for her.

My baby is sleeping. I was massaging his both legs. It's hard for him to carry our baby. If I have an ability to take my baby to my stomach, I will do that. But it is impossible. And my dear husband will not be willing to do that.

The white light of my baby will light up always when zhan is happy. Now the light is so bright that I will cover our whole house, so that the light will not goes out. I am so vigilant; I can't put both zhan and baby in any risk. Though everyone is telling he will not come for one or two years but yeah how can I take risk over my man and my blood.


I heard the knock. It should be Wens. We obviously don't have any guests.

I open the door.

"Ms.Wen. come. Zhan is sleeping. I will wake him up for you. Please wait here" I said. She nodded.

I go our bedroom.

He is sleeping like a baby. I came near him and sit near him. I place his head on my lap and caress his hair.

"Baby, wake up. Ms. Wen is here. You don't want to meet her!? Baby!?" I whisper so quietly that I am not sure if my baby hear me or not.

"Bobo, let me sleep some more" he whispered back. I chuckles.

I kiss on his forehead.

"Baby, just a couple of minutes. I will be with you. You don't want to check our son!?" I ask him, the moment he hear about our son, he jerk up and look to me. We already know that we are going to have a baby boy. Zhan is super careful about our baby's security and hospitality in him.

"Okay, I will wake up" he said.

I put a pillow to support him and make him sit proper.

"I will call her here. So that you don't want to walk." I said. He smile and kiss me.

"My caring husband is so cute when he so concerned about me and our baby" he said.

"ofcourse,I should. Or else my beautiful husband will not talk to me. And If that happen then my son will also so that. I can't afford that." I said and kiss on his lips.

He giggle. I know he remember that happened two days ago.

When I get some files look for in my office, I rush to company without telling zhan. When I get back he was so upset. And when I try to touch him my baby will shine as bright as he could, which will make me close my eyes. He is so possessive about his daddy, that he forgot about his(baby') poor papa. This make me sleep outside and for my baby I bring him several chocolates and fruits. Still my son was so stubborn. Finally zhan talk to our Son and make him speak with me.

I left to call wen Qing. She come to our room.

"how are you Xiao zhan!?" she ask.

"I am fine. But a little weak." He said.

"Don't get worry okay. Let me check" she said and come near Zhan. She checks the pulse and slightly press his belly. Later she ask zhan to make a move.

I go near him and raise him up from the bed. He held me and walk a little.

"Xiao Zhan, that's it. Sit back." She said.

✨OBLIGATION ✨(Yizhan)(Not Edited)Where stories live. Discover now